The Year Ahead for Pisces
Saturn leaves your sign mid-year. You’ll spread your wings and fly. You may return to former relationships and activities, making them new and exciting. You could also get aligned with your current vision for yourself and the world.
What Pisces Can Look Forward to in 2025
- On May 24, Saturn moves out of your house of self-identity. Although it will retrograde back briefly to the latter degrees of your sign October 2025, on February 2026, it will then move on and not return for another 28 years. You have passed Saturn’s “tightening-up” test and can look forward to brighter horizons in the year ahead.
What Pisces Should Watch Out for in 2025
- Pluto, the cosmic sludge-breaker, has begun its long transit through your house of the subconscious. This brings a powerful energy for clearing out the past and healing, but sometimes Pluto’s energies can be difficult to stomach. Focus your efforts on self-care and boosting self-esteem, check in with yourself often, and don’t be afraid to say “no” when you need to.
Love Predictions for Pisces in 2025
- A lunar eclipse in your seventh house on March 14 could uncover your deepest desires. Heed your intuition and don’t try to talk yourself out of what you feel.
- Venus retrogrades in your sign from March 27 to April 12, when it stations direct in Pisces and transits your first house through April 30. A choice between an old love and a new love is likely. With your innate wisdom, you’ll choose wisely.
- The total lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 7 reveals the final insights you may be seeking in regards relationships.
Career Predictions for Pisces in 2025
- Mercury transiting your career zone from late October through early January 2026 brings contacts and negotiations front and center. As it stations retrograde the week of November 9, you may get an offer from an ex-employer, or you could revisit an earlier goal that you’ve left behind. If you follow your hunches, the final months of 2025 could find you more successful than ever.
Important Dates for Pisces in 2025
- April 13: Venus stations direct in your self-identity zone. Your high self-esteem impels you to act in self-valuing ways and this leads to new happiness in relationships.
- September 7: A total lunar eclipse in your house of identity reveals hidden messages that will shape your emotional future. Reflect and celebrate!
Read More About Pisces