The Year Ahead for Sagittarius
An outer-planet alignment aspecting your sun from early August through late September will affect your partnerships, communications, and creativity. These key areas will be transformed during this significant planetary shift.
What Sagittarius Can Look Forward to in 2025
- Your ruler, Jupiter, moving into its power zone from June 9 will have you spearheading change. A fresh breeze brought on by supportive aspects will move out the old and bring in the new in late summer.
- Personal creativity and manifestation increase with Neptune and Saturn transiting your creative zone.
- Eclipses in your career realm in March and September bring powerful change. Your true purpose is revealed. Consider a consultation with a Life Path Psychic for more.
What Sagittarius Should Watch Out for in 2025
- Discouragement could surface if you try to hold on tightly to the truths of the past. You might feel that the shake-ups are too quick and too frequent this year. You are a born explorer, archer, so be brave and reap rewards!
Love Predictions for Sagittarius in 2025
- From July 8 through late November 2025, your house of intimate partners will undergo change. Realize that Uranus’ presence there causes surprises that will ultimately turn out for the better. If you’re coupled and liking it, great. This transit doesn’t mean you’ll break up, but it does promise exciting growth or new ways of relating. If you are looking for a partner, it is highly likely that you will find one under Uranus’ startling energy.
Career Predictions for Sagittarius in 2025
- The lunar eclipse on March 14 and the solar eclipse on September 21 both take place in your career zone. Deeper insights into your career may arrive. You’ll get in touch with your vision of where you want your life path to lead. If this is different than what you presently have, you will feel impelled to change course.
Important Dates for Sagittarius in 2025
- March 2: Venus stations retrograde in your fifth house of fun and creativity. You’ll return to a former activity (or relationship) and enjoy doing something fresh and unique.
- September 21: There will be a partial solar eclipse in your tenth house. You could see a new direction for your career and begin taking steps to move in that direction. A psychic advisor could offer further insight.
Read More About Sagittarius