Your Daily Focus: December 25 – 31

Your Daily Focus: December 25-31 | California Psychics

Understanding Your Daily Focus

It’s Capricorn season, and much like when Leo slammed into Virgo at the end of summer, the transition from Fire to Earth in the winter can cause a sense of whiplash. Sagittarius carries us most of the way through the holiday season, covering Thanksgiving and often Chanukah, but the energy shifts a few days before Christmas, along with the Winter Solstice.

As we pass the longest day of the year, the season of decay is behind us. From here on out, each day brings a gradual return to the light. Capricorn ushers in this change, bringing back stability, structure, and perseverance. While we were running on the fumes of Fire for the last few weeks, now we must come back to root. For those of us still celebrating holidays like Christmas and New Year, we often experience a strange sense of timelessness during this period. It’s a liminal space, an in-between. Capricorns are good at in-betweens, they can bridge the gaps, they can provide the tools, and so we lean on those resources within ourselves to push through the end of the year. In this week’s Daily Focus, let’s look at how we can harness the energy of the hardworking seagoat to help us through Capricorn season.

Saturday, December 25

“Never underestimate the power of a Capricorn for self-preservation.”Linda Goodman

If there is one thing Capricorns know, it’s taking care of themselves. This is a great time for you to harness that energy as well. I fully believe that it’s part of why the idea of New Year’s resolutions is so strong. Collectively, we feel ready to face a challenge and improve ourselves. The goal is to do so in manageable and sustainable ways.

Sunday, December 26

“With an incredible drive and energy, the Capricorn Sun person wants to pursue a path of growth and purpose.”Kelsey Branco

Again, self-improvement comes in many forms. Capricorns, eager to push themselves, want to continue to focus on growth, I think that’s why it’s such a vital theme for me in my writing. While this energy is above us, we can all look toward the future with clarity, we can see the gaps in the road and plan for them if need be.

Monday, December 27

“I’m a Capricorn, and they flower late.”Marianne Faithfull

Slow and steady wins the race, that’s the Capricorn vibe. We do things when we’re ready, and we mean it when we commit. It’s okay to take your time here, the results will be better. If you’re feeling pressure to perform a certain way or meet your own goals, try to be realistic about not only what you want, but how you want to experience it.

Tuesday, December 28

“A Capricorn would rather struggle in silence than admit a weakness and ask for help.”Megan Scott

Pride, that’s a big one. It can be embarrassing to ask for help, for any of us. It’s something I have always struggled with. But we are not meant to face things alone. Just like baby deer are born knowing how to run, and baby whales how to swim, we are born knowing to reach for each other, to lean on each other, and to ask for help. It’s okay to need other people, and it’s good to remember that during this season.

Wednesday, December 29

“If you love a Capricorn, take care to tell Capricorn how you feel on a regular basis; this sign fears rejection and will open up slowly if not encouraged. If you are expressive, you will find Capricorn surprisingly passionate.”K.C. Jones

These feelings can lead to an all-or-nothing mentality, especially for natal Capricorns and Earth signs, or those with a lot of Earth in their chart. Don’t let your fears control your actions. Being scared is good, being scared is how you challenge yourself. Harness Cap’s steadfast energy and do what you can to face what needs to be faced today.

Thursday, December 30

“Capricorns are often said to be too practical for magic, but they make some of the best psychics and mystics.”Unknown

Capricorns sometimes take flak for being too serious, but seagoats are often powerful and magical in their own right, especially when it comes to improving themselves. This is a good time to call not just on your own abilities and hard work, but on faith as well to let you know that even if you’re not where you thought you’d be, you’re in the right place.

Friday, December 31

“Capricorns take themselves very seriously and don’t love feeling vulnerable. Letting people in deeply is not something they do lightly, but once they do, they tend to be very loyal.” Jessica Lanao and T. Green Away

It can be easy during this time of year to focus on the self, in recovery mode from a long holiday season. But the best gifts are still the ones that we can give each other. Make an effort not to shut down now, as we head into the unknown of a new year.

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