How Dream Analysis Works: Interview With Psychic Scarlet

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It’s not uncommon to experience vivid dreams — dreams that maybe stand out as potentially significant, even if you’re not sure why. Maybe the dream is extremely clear and detailed, or maybe it’s scary and unsettling. Maybe it’s neither of those things, and it’s all about the energy of the dream.

Sometimes these dreams are our subconscious reaching out to us, but sometimes they bring messages from Spirit, deceased loved ones, or other higher powers. Unfortunately, these messages aren’t always easy to identify, much less to understand. Luckily, when this happens, you don’t have to puzzle it out alone. Dream analysis experts exist, and talking to one can help you figure out what the Universe is trying to tell you.

But how can you tell the difference between a normal dream and a message, and what exactly does dream analysis entail? It can be tough to figure out when to reach out to a Dream Analysis Psychic for help. Luckily, California Psychics was able to talk to an expert, Psychic Scarlet, who answered these questions and more.

Editor’s Note: Some elements of this interview have been edited for clarity and brevity.

CP: How does dream analysis work?

Psychic Scarlet: Dream analysis works through analyzing signs, symbols, people, objects, and so forth that have been presented in a dream. Everything is important, from if a shirt was cotton or silk to if that same shirt has buttons or a zipper. There is symbology that directs into deeper meanings and messages than just the average element of thinking. So, for example, if someone saw an ex-boyfriend in a dream, what does that mean? What was he doing, saying, or wearing?

All of the elements tie in together when it comes to being meaningful. Keeping a dream journal is exceptionally important if you would like to really begin true analyzation, as it can help you see patterns emerge and messages that might seem small at the time. Repetitive dreams in particular are the most important to pay attention to because there can be an element of them that begins to merge into the prophetic realm, which is to say that they can be a prophecy or a foretelling of the future that is meant to warn the individual or help in some way. In my experience, these are some of the most fascinating dreams. Dream analysis is one of the best ways to look into issues that can be suppressed or repressed deep in the subconscious.

CP: How do I know when to bring in a dream analysis expert?

Psychic Scarlet: If you are having any dreams that are extremely vivid, exciting, or even disturbing – but especially repetitive – that is when the Universe is trying to pass along a message that can be analyzed, and the meaning can be identified.

There are times when dream analysis can help…determine someone’s current state of mind, whether it is something manifesting in their sleep, like [anxiety], or even that something good is on its way. There are times when having a dream analyzed can actually give you the peace of mind to have it stop, because the Universe has finally been able to make sure that its message has come through. There can also be messages in dreams from those who have passed on and need to get in touch by utilizing the stillness of the night and the connection to the subconscious. These are rare moments but truly priceless when identified.

CP: How can I prepare for a Dream Analysis Reading?

Psychic Scarlet: You can prepare by sitting in an area with no distractions and trying to recall each aspect, every detail of the dream, that you can, and then write it down before you call. If you find that you have been plagued by strange dreams or repetitive ones (etcetera), it can be most helpful to keep a dream journal by your bed or even record a voice memo into your phone as soon as you wake up so that everything is fresh in your mind.

But if that’s not possible, quieting your conscious and subconscious and trying to remember all the details to provide to your analyst is the best way to get the most from your reading. This is not usually a rushed or quick process, so make sure to set aside a reasonable amount of time to really get the most from this experience.

CP: What should I expect from a Dream Analysis Reading?

Psychic Scarlet: You can expect to receive details of your dreams that might seem extraordinary as you hear the explanations of things. For example, if you saw a snake in your dream, you might be scared or think that it would represent something sinister. But what was it doing? Was it hissing, hurting you or someone you love, or was it simply present? In fact, it is a great sign of wisdom…to prepare for clarity and the ability…to be flexible and change in a situation that you are currently facing for the better — a type of rejuvenation. Also, was it one snake or more?

To dream of seeing a man you love with another woman doesn’t necessarily mean he’s cheating. The female form in a dream is the representation of the goddess of love and nurturing energy, so it can very well be a dream that shows you that your relationship is on the verge of having more loving moments and being nurtured by the Universe.

Each symbol is important, and depending on the other elements of the dream, the story unfolds in a reading that is specific for the person alone. Did you recognize the woman, etcetera? You get the picture.

Every detail can be scrutinized and explained in ways that can provide clarity and messages from the beyond, so having as many of the symbols and recognizable elements of the dream ready to speak about will help the dream analyst paint the whole picture. If only a few things can be remembered, messages can still be provided, but you can get the most from your reading by taking your time and writing everything down, sometimes over time, as you experience the dream more than once.

If it was only once and is on your mind and fresh, then calling at your earliest convenience can be best.

CP: What are the benefits of dream analysis?

Psychic Scarlet: The benefits of dream analysis are…a deeper understanding of what the Universe or [a deceased loved one] is trying to get through to you on a subconscious vibration… There are so many distractions in our waking hours that keep us from being able to allow messages from the beyond to come through to us, but in the quiet of the sleeping hours, those are the times that can be best for uninterrupted messages to flow through the cosmos into our minds and for the Universe to have a direct line to help warn or simply inform us of what’s to come.

While any dream can benefit from the insight of a dream analysis expert, some dreams are particularly significant, disturbing, or difficult to understand. If that happens, or if Psychic Scarlet’s descriptions resonate with you, it may be time to write your observations down and speak with a Dream Analysis Psychic.

There’s more to your dreams than you think! That’s why a Dream Analysis Reading can get to the bottom of your dreams and discover what they have to say about your past, present, and future. Our Dream Analysis Psychics know that no two dreams are alike. Aren’t you curious about your dreams? Learn more about our psychics from real testimonials and read through our Dream Analysis Blog. Find a Dream Analysis Psychic or learn more about Dream Analysis Readings today.

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