Should You Introduce Them to Your Family On Thanksgiving?

Should You Introduce Them to Your Family this Thanksgiving? | California Psychics

The Holiday Commitment

Thanksgiving is a holiday of mixed emotions. We feel grateful for what we have, and we spend time reconnecting with friends and loved ones. But Thanksgiving can also be a time of tension and difficulty for some families, which may make the idea of bringing a significant other home for the holidays less than ideal. But part of being in a serious relationship is getting to know each other’s families, because it won’t just be the two of you in the future, it will be all of you at certain times. So, if you’re starting to believe that there’s a future with your significant other, it may be time to introduce them to your family, crazy and dysfunctional, or delightful and kind-hearted as they all may be. Here are some things to consider before you do.

Pro: You’ll Discover how Strong Your Bond is

Nothing says true love more than the ability to put up with someone’s crazy family! If the two of you can stick together in spite of your uncle’s political opinions, or your cousin’s drunken escapades throughout the meal, then you two probably have something truly special going on.

Con: Your Family is Going to Interrogate Them

Inviting your significant other to Thanksgiving dinner is a pretty big deal. And whether or not your relatives are generally nosey, there’s a good chance you’ll both be subject to interrogation on some level. They may ask if you’re living together, if you plan to get married, and other questions to determine if they think you are a good match. It’s best to prepare your significant other for the possibility of questions and maybe discuss what your answers are to some of them beforehand.

Pro: This May be a Sign You’re Ready for More

Whatever the next step is (moving in together, getting engaged, etc.), taking your significant other to your family’s Thanksgiving dinner is a pretty good sign you’re ready to move forward. You are making a statement to them and your family that your relationship is important, and this could be the person you’re considering spending your future with.

Con: First Impressions Last

There’s a lot of pressure to make a good first impression, especially when those impressions can last a lifetime with some of those family members you don’t see very often. It doesn’t help that the holidays, already full of stress, do not create the optimal environments for making good impressions on your relatives.

Pro: Things Could Go Perfectly

Here’s the thing about the holidays: as stressful as they can be, sometimes things also go absolutely right. And if you have a good feeling about your significant other that made you want to bring them to your family’s Thanksgiving in the first place, you’ve probably talked to your SO about your family before, and they know what to expect. Trust that your significant other wants the night to go as well as you do, and allow yourself to enjoy Thanksgiving for the family holiday that it is meant to be. You may end up being pleasantly surprised in the end.

Con: You Have to Follow the House Rules

Everyone is entitled to make the rules in their own home, and they are equally entitled to expect those staying under their roof to follow them, even if they’re not the sort of rules that you would normally follow in your everyday life. It’s Thanksgiving however, so in order to keep the peace, it would be best if you and your significant other do follow those house rules, even if that means you have to sleep in separate rooms when you’re already living together. There’s always an option to stay at a hotel rather than with your relatives while home for Thanksgiving but be aware that that will probably raise some eyebrows at home and may even lead to some hurt feelings. Talk it over with your SO and then do what’s best to make the holiday less stressful for everyone.

Into the Unknown

Introducing your significant other to your family at any time can be a harrowing experience, but there’s something about bringing them to Thanksgiving dinner with your family that sends a special message. And even if you plan exactly how you want the meeting to go down, there’s no telling how the evening will go, but as long as you stick by your SO through all of the craziness, you may come out of the gathering even closer and more sure of your future than you were before.

Being in love is a life experience that everyone deserves. Whether you’re looking for your soulmate or wondering how to keep the romantic fires burning in your relationship, a love psychic can help. They want to see you happy and a psychic love reading is all you need to find or keep the love that is meant for you.

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