The Year Ahead
Your important life lessons this year center in your eleventh house, making groups, organizations, humanitarianism, friendship, and socializing areas of tremendous learning, opportunity, and growth. Jupiter, the Great Benefic, and Saturn, the Great Teacher, have both recently moved into Aquarius, putting additional emphasis on the aforementioned areas of your life.
You are a naturally passionate person, willing, even eager to take risks. Your leadership ability is innate, and you may not even realize that you have the capacity to inspire others simply by showing up enthusiastically, as you are wont to do. These qualities are especially effective this year in and around organizations and humanitarian affairs. If you find yourself passionately engaged in a cause, chances are you will soon be leading the charge. Your big challenge will be making space for the opinions and efforts of others. This is where learning about groups and how they function best will come in handy.
Your friendships will be extremely important to your overall well-being this year, providing support, love, and guidance when you need it most. Don’t despair if longstanding relationships fall away. You are growing at a rapid clip and may no longer be compatible with certain people. Look to the future and trust the Universe.
This year the ideal times for meeting someone new, or for refreshing and deepening your connection with your partner are:
Feb 2 – Feb 25
Venus, the Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Romance moves into Aquarius, joining Jupiter in your eleventh house, creating a powerful energy of attraction. You practically glow with expansive energy and enthusiasm. Fortunately, Saturn keeps things real, insisting that you look deeper than surface delights. If you are partnered this is an ideal transit for refreshing the friendship at the core of your relationship, and for revisiting and revising the long-term goals you share.
March 22 – April 14
Ooh-la-la! Venus moves into your natal sign of Aries and your first house of self-esteem, confidence, and how you walk in the world. You are in your fiery glory! Don’t be discouraged if you have a bit of a hiccup at the beginning of this transit when Venus conjuncts Chiron. Use this energy to clear away any old wounds or issues that still linger and cloud your ability to experience your own beauty and power. This prepares you for the conjunction between Mars and Venus and the lava-like passion that flows and lights up the sky everywhere you go. One word of caution; just remember that libido and passion are not the same as true love.
June 28 – July 19
Venus moves into Leo and fires up your fifth house of love, romance, and fun. Venus is opposite Jupiter and Saturn and conjunct Mars during this transit, so prepare to be the center of attention wherever you go. You biggest challenge will be choosing your company wisely. It can be hard to think clearly when all those pheromones are flowing!
Aug 17 – Sept 10
Venus enters Libra activating partnership and commitment. You have a clearer sense now of what you’re seeking in a long-term, committed relationship as you’ve sown your wild oats earlier in the year. You know yourself better, and you know what kind of person you want as a partner. Good job, you! If you’re in a committed relationship, look for ways to demonstrate your love and appreciation for you beloved.
Jupiter squares Uranus in your second house of material affairs from January 11 – 23, so resist the impulse to spend or invest out of exuberance and excitement because a month later, when Saturn squares Uranus, there’s a good chance you’ll regret that impulse. Mercury, the planet of commerce, activates your second house from April 20 – May 4. Pay attention to ideas and possibilities that present themselves at this time as they can lead to a unique income stream. Pluto continues his long, powerful transit through your tenth house of career and achievement, teaching you about what truly matters, and what no longer serves you. The quicker you let go of what you’ve outgrown, the happier you will be.
Personal Growth/Spirituality
Your Soul beckons you to deepen your connection with Spirit this year through service to humanity or to the planet. As you turn your time, talent, and attention to causes or movements that speak to your heart and focus on creating positive change, you engage in a personal growth process that unfolds with each step you take.
Your dreams take on increased power and meaning the last week in March as messenger Mercury conjuncts the Great Mystic, Neptune, in your twelfth house of mystical affairs. Ask for a dream to help guide and/or heal you and you will receive that dream.
Making the Best of 2021
A reading with a Life Path Psychic can help you decide which cause or organization best aligns with your life purpose. A reading with a California Psychics Astrologer can give you a window into, and an overview of, your entire life and guide you through the challenges as well as the new paths and directions that are opening to you in 2021.