The Year Ahead
This year the hidden mysteries reveal themselves to you and you discover a realm of existence you sensed was there but had no direct experience with until now. Birth, death, rebirth, spirit visitation and guidance, and the power of the unconscious all beckon you. Sex, intimacy, psychological growth, debt, taxes, inheritance, and other people’s resources are also underscored as Jupiter, the Great Benefic, and Saturn, the Great Teacher, enter Aquarius and transit your solar eighth house.
You will experience a series of rebirths this year, prefaced first by the passing away of all that you’ve outgrown in order to make room for the new. The quicker and easier you let go, the more pleasant the deaths and resurrections will be. You will be fascinated with the deeper meaning that exists everywhere, and will feel pulled to understand people, life, and situations in a way that carries you past the surface of things into the heart and soul of a situation or individual. You will simply “know” what’s really going on; words may not even be necessary. It’s as if you have psychic x-ray vision that sees directly into the truth of a matter.
As your psychic and psychological abilities develop you may want to pursue a career or vocation that allows you to use these gifts. There are many professions that call upon this skill set, so let yourself explore widely. The healing that you do on yourself inspires you to offer that same kind of powerful help to others. Follow the breadcrumbs of what excites and delights you and let that lead you forward into the future.
This year the ideal times for meeting someone new, or for refreshing and deepening your connection with your partner are:
April 15 – May 9
Venus, the Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Romance is in Taurus where she joins the Great Awakener, Uranus. Surprise is afoot and the unexpected is to be expected. You might meet someone out of the blue under unusual circumstances or a friend may suddenly become a paramour. If you’re partnered your beloved might ask you to join the circus with them. Why not give it whirl? Afterall, you love costumes and animals!
June 3 – June 27
Venus moves into your own sign of Cancer, increasing your sensitivity as well as your attraction and allure. You don’t have to be loud to magnetically draw others into your orbit. Do be choosy though. Mistaking your desire to nurture and care for someone as romantic love would be a big mistake. A rescue is not a romance.
Sept 11 – Oct 7
Venus moves into Scorpio and highlights love, romance, and creativity. She is opposite Uranus, so an unexpected meeting of some sort could turn into a classic “meet cute” experience. You are feeling sensual and powerful with the trine to Neptune and sextile to Pluto. This is a fertile transit, literally, so forewarned is forearmed.
Nov 6 – Dec 19
Venus in Capricorn brings an earthy and practical focus to partnership and committed relationships. While this may not be wildly romantic, it’s a great transit for planning a shared future and deepening your connection.
With the Jupiter/Saturn transit at play in your solar eighth house you may unexpectedly come into money this year through an inheritance or a joint investment that pays big dividends. Mercury transits your second house of finances July 29 – August 11, bringing ideas and possibilities for increased cash flow with him. Jupiter indicates investment luck this year but do your research first and vet everything carefully. You lean toward being fiscally conservative, so any gains you make you should wisely direct towards savings. If you want to learn more about investing and the stock market, this is a great year for that. Find a good teacher, read, research, develop a good understanding, and avoid excess risk. You may find you have a passion and skill for this that you never knew was there.
Personal Growth/Spirituality
The largest theme of the year for you is personal growth and spirituality! You find these themes running through every area of your life, and the learning is hands on and personal. You don’t simply read the map; you also walk the territory.
Symbolism speaks loudly and directly to you so you may want to study the Tarot, dreams, totem animals, and even shamanism. You have a natural ability in this area and your skill will develop quickly if you decide to pursue this. Once you’ve established a strong foundation to build on you may want to pursue it professionally. Go for it, you’re a natural.
Making the Best of 2021
A reading with a Money Psychic can help guide you as you explore prosperity consciousness, income streams, investments, and other forms of revenue. Money is energy and learning how to work with it is well worth your time.
A reading with a California Psychics Astrologer can give you a window into, and an overview of, your entire life and guide you through the challenges as well as the new paths and directions that are opening to you in 2021.