The Year Ahead
For most zodiac signs, the thought of karmic and serious Saturn in their first house would make their knees wobble, but not you Capricorn, as Saturn enters your first house according to your Capricorn 2018 Horoscope. Saturn is your ruling planet and it is most comfortable in your Sun sign where it will remain for the next two-and-a-half years. If you were born at the beginning of your sign, you’ll enjoy this kind of energy the most. Saturn will turn your thoughts inward, causing you to think of the big picture of your life and the path you’re on. All of the five eclipses this year which are centered on your houses representing money and relationships will help you connect the dots as you embark on a whole new path beginning in 2018.
Wondering what else 2018 has in store for you, Capricorn? Read with an astrology psychic and find out!
Love and Relationships
Since 2010, Uranus has lived in your fourth house of home and family, and after May 15 it will find its way into your fifth house of romance, dating, and self-expression in the slow, simmering sign of Taurus. Single or attached, you might find that you’re attracting attention from admirers. For the past seven years, the Aries energy around this planet has meant that love and relationships have been exciting at times and possibly intense. However, in slower-moving Taurus, things, like lovers and temptations will linger. If you’re single, this is especially good news. Although things may move a little slower than you’d like at times, there is a lasting energy that comforts you. Those attached should probably not give into temptations, but know that if you do, the repercussions will be long-standing and slow-moving as well.
Extending Current Circles
Back in October 2017, fortunate and expansive Jupiter moved into your eleventh house of friends, peers, and environment. In 2018 your friendships and associations will not only be supportive, but they will also extend beyond current circles, according to your Capricorn 2018 Horoscope.
Status Change
On July 12, we all get to experience a solar eclipse in the home and family sign of Cancer. This represents your seventh house of marriage, committed relationships, and partnerships. Someone in the family may be moving out or moving in, or you and your significant other may decide to move. If you’re single and decide to take up stakes somewhere else, this could be a time when you meet someone who will change your status from single to not.
Money and Career
Mars will spend an exorbitant amount of time in your second house of cash, possessions, and things you value during 2018. From mid-May to mid-August and then again from September 10 through mid-November, you’ll be focused on your income as well as deciding what possessions are important and what can be tossed out with the trash.
A Clean Break
Your second house is in the sign of Aquarius, an unregulated sign, and Mars’ energy is urgent and intense. It’s not that you’re not sentimental at all, but you are highly organized and efficient and with a solar eclipse on February 15 and a lunar eclipse on July 27 in the same house, it indicates a clean break with “stuff.” In other words, there will be no stopping you once you’ve decided to take action. Whatever you begin in February in this vein will come to fruition during the July 27 lunar eclipse.
Leadership Decisions
In addition to a lunar and solar eclipse in your second house, you will also experience one of each in your eighth house of shared expenses, taxes, mortgages, and basically money that’s mingled with other people’s money. This can also be a relationship-related house because of the co-mingled money, but generally speaking, the lunar eclipse of January 31 and the solar eclipse on August 11, both in the regal sign of Leo, will mean that you will need to make some leadership decisions when it comes to a relationship or financial partnership. Your Capricorn Yearly Horoscope reminds you to have confidence in your actions and don’t reverse your decision once it’s made.
Know What’s Right for You
Whether you decide to form a partnership or end one, these aren’t easy aspects to deal with but you, above all signs, have the strength and determination to know what’s right for your situation. At first it may feel as though you’re losing or letting go of something, however, your actions will only result in a gain for you in the long-term.
You and the Universe
Neptune continues its trek through Pisces, your third house of communications. Your sixth sense is in full swing and you can almost anticipate who or what is about to appear around the corner. As the sign of intellect, having this second sight practically makes you a superhero, and you should let your intuition guide you in all matters that require thought before action. In addition, this transit bodes well for your creative side in 2018, so follow your heart as well.
Now that you have the GPS coordinates for 2018, you can use your free will to choose what roads you’ll take.
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