The Year Ahead
Saturn, the great teacher, continues his journey through Aquarius and your fourth house of home and family, adding grounded, structured energy to all things associated with your domestic world, including your relationships with your loved ones. You may find that you’re asked to deal with situations where your wisdom and maturity are required, and that you have to make sometimes hard decisions that may not be popular. That’s okay. What’s important is that you stay present and use a steady mind and hand to deal with whatever comes your way. Don’t be distressed if you have to set firm boundaries or even distance yourself from toxic people. Just because you’re related doesn’t mean harmful people and influences should have free rein in your life. Once you clear away the refuse and debris of what isn’t working, you make room for new energy that supports who you are now and who you’re on your way to becoming.
Jupiter in Pisces brings joie de vivre, magic, and romance to your fifth house of love, passion, and creativity. Whatever Jupiter touches he increases, so you can expect romantic interests to show up in multiples, and when Jupiter conjuncts Neptune on April 12, decision-making may become impossible because you simply can’t see the forest for the trees! Pisces is kindhearted, wants to believe the best about everyone, and wants to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. That may not be wise or work to your advantage. With that in mind, trust your heart, trust your intuition, and run important decisions by someone who is logical, practical, and clear-headed. That way you cover all your bases and won’t overlook something that needs to be addressed. Jupiter moves into Aries and your sixth house from May 10 through October 27, redirecting you from romantic love to self-love, after which, he returns to your fifth house and focuses on romantic love again until the end of the year.
This year, the ideal times for meeting someone new, or for refreshing and deepening your relationship with your partner are:
Apr 5 – May 1
Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and romance steps into Pisces and your fifth house of love, romance, and passion, joining benevolent Jupiter and romantic Neptune. Venus is mystically alluring in this sign, while Jupiter expands and increases everything he touches, so you can expect a great deal of attention and choice among suitors. Keep in mind that Neptune makes it difficult to see who you’re dealing with clearly, so sidestep long-term commitments and keep things light and fun for now.
May 28 – June 21
Venus in Taurus joins Uranus in your seventh house of partnership and commitment, creating an interesting blend of energies. Uranus underscores a love of freedom and novelty, while Venus and Taurus love nothing more than deep commitment and stability. So, while you may indeed meet a life partner worthy of your time and energy, you’ll need to make sure they understand they do not own you.
Sept 5 – Sept 28
Venus in Virgo is born to serve, heal, and help the underdog and she wears her compassion and empathy on her sleeve as she steps into your eleventh house of friendship, groups, and humanitarianism. You may meet a kindred spirit during this transit, especially through a friend or volunteer activity. Just do not mistake “potential” and a “project” for a legit and equal partner.
Oct 23 – Nov 15
Passion is the fashion Venus wraps herself in as she steps into Scorpio and your first house of self. Magnetic, charismatic, powerful, and sexy, the world is her oyster and yours. The one thing to keep in mind during this transit is the magnitude of power you’re traveling with, and the realization that just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Enjoy your passions and urges but do so wisely.
Your work sector hosts the prosperity that Jupiter in Aries brings with him from May 10 through October 27. Expect employment opportunities to increase, new connections to be made, and new doors will open for you to walk through. Venus in Leo activates your tenth house of career and success, trining Jupiter during his retrograde period. Pay attention to career lessons and professional opportunities, and if you are offered the chance to travel for work, say yes as quickly as you can!
Personal Growth/Spirituality
Lean into your communication skills and look for ways to share your ideas, insights, and opinions with others. Whether you use a social media platform or go more old school with emails and speaking engagements, you have a great deal to say that the world needs to hear. Don’t hold back, you will find your audience and it may lead you in directions you never dreamed of.
Making the Best of 2022
A Career Advice Psychic can help you make the best decisions and best use of the opportunities that come your way this year.
A reading with a California Psychics Astrologer can give you a window into, and an overview of, your entire life and guide you through the challenges as well as the new paths and directions that are opening to you in 2022.