Changes, Challenges, and Following Your Heart
As a fixed sign, shaking up the status quo can be uncomfortable for you. However, sometimes we can’t avoid change and that is exactly what Uranus brings to your sign this year and for the next seven years ahead. Don’t be daunted, and don’t fight it. The changes you’re about to undergo, according to your 2019 horoscope, will help you see that putting your own needs first isn’t such a bad thing and that sometimes “selfish” isn’t a bad word. While Uranus is busy delving into areas of your core beliefs, Saturn will encourage you to keep things the way they are, and Pluto will be urging you to seek a life that focuses on your passions while purging yourself of unnecessary things including relationships. By December 2019, you’ll appreciate all of the lessons learned, and you’ll feel free to express your true self. It will all be worth it.
In late January the universe brings a loving Venus/Jupiter conjunction to your eighth house of merged energies. The message here is that love (even self-love) overrides any difficulties that may come up in life. Single or attached, make it a point to enjoy a few date nights in February and March. Beware that aggressive Mars moves into your Sun sign on Valentine’s Day, so try not to overly assert your agenda or you could miss out on some spontaneous fun.
In July a series of eclipses along with other areas of life could make you ultra-sensitive to your surroundings. You may feel on-edge so take a deep breath before reacting, no matter how strong the urge. If you’re dating, you’ll love late August when the cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars meet up in your house of passion. Coupled Taureans should plan a getaway escape. First-time encounters could get hot and heavy real fast, according to your 2019 horoscope.
Mercury will retrograde in your house of one-on-one relationships in November. As it makes a rare and illustrative path across the bright sunlight, you’re reminded that love means more than the insignificant things that can sometimes get in the way. Open communication is your key to a healthy relationship.
Though you’ve been forewarned about the topsy-turvy landscape Uranus can bring to your world, it doesn’t move into your Sun sign until March. Mostly this year, Uranus and a few planetary friends will be in observer mode rather than doer mode. Oh yes, a shift is happening, but the more you go with the flow the easier and more fruitful it will be. However, before Uranus enters your personal life, Venus, your loving ruler, will enter your career house. As a result, embellishing your work area with some creature comforts will make life more joyful.
When Venus lands in your sixth house of daily work and routines in mid-September, you recognize the advantages of being part of a team, according to your 2019 horoscope. However, before you start handing out bouquets of flowers to coworkers, Mars will move into the same zone in October. His focus is on the weak links. If you’re doing all the work and someone else is getting all the recognition, now is the time you’re likely to speak your mind.
Money & Finances
As if March wasn’t already busy enough, it caps off with ambitious Mars’ entrance into your second house of income and possessions. You’ve earned that raise, you’re ready to expand your portfolio, and you’re prepared to do what it takes to make it all happen. You’re not superficial, but you do like the finer things in life. You’ve worked hard to get what you have, but why stop there?
A few astrological events could add intensity to the month of July. Both a solar eclipse in your house of communication and a lunar eclipse in expansive Capricorn will shake up how you process information. You may be focusing on new enterprises and possibly entertaining the idea of becoming a solopreneur. Remember Uranus is urging you to find your true path.
In December, the king of the gods, aka Jupiter, moves into your expansive ninth house, joining stern and steady Saturn, a planet you can identify with. In addition, the end of December brings a new moon solar eclipse in the same house. This is sure to bring about radical changes in the way you pursue your riches, according to your 2019 horoscope. This is not only confirmation of 2019 being a turning point for you personally, but professionally as well. You’re off to a lovely start towards 2020.
Best Dates
Your best dates for 2019 are January 22 and November 24. You ruler Venus, the god of love and money, forms a conjunction with bigger-than-life Jupiter in Sagittarius, your eighth house of joint ventures (money) as well as sex and intimacy. Who could ask for anything more when the sky’s the limit in love and money?
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