Changing Paths and Going with the Flow
As a sign ruled by the Moon, you feel eclipses deeply, especially when they’re focused on the Cancer/Capricorn axis. These eclipses bring change and evolution to your first house of self-identify and new initiatives to your seventh house of close, personal partnerships that will continue into 2020. Along with the eclipses, Uranus and Saturn will teach you to be more flexible and open to change. Don’t hold on too tightly to ideas formed before all of this magical energy came into play. Instead, trust that the changes happening are leading you to more happiness and contentment than you could have imagined by opening up undiscovered territory. Let’s take a deeper look at your 2019 horoscope, Cancer.
Your seventh house of partnerships and one-on-one relationships is on fire in 2019, hosting three of five eclipses, Saturn and Pluto’s continued presence, Venus visiting—not just once but twice— and finally December’s entrance of adventurous and expansive Jupiter ready to spread joy. With the first eclipse of the year on January 5, your relationship zone gets activated. Those who are coupled may experience a little tension as January starts, but a beautiful Venus/Jupiter conjunction on January 22 could help you smooth things over. Further healing comes once Venus moves into your seventh house in February.
In March, unpredictable Uranus moves into your eleventh house representing future plans and goals, according to your 2019 horoscope. Coupled and single Cancerians may be making changes they never expected, such as moving for example.
July is typically your time of year and in 2019, it’s an auspicious time for romance and togetherness. The month starts with Venus’ entrance into your Sun sign on July 3—you’re irresistible. And although there’s a new moon solar eclipse in your sign on the 2nd, it’s the lunar eclipse in your partnership zone on the 16th that brings wonderful and powerful energy to your love life.
Tensions may arise in relationships in November due to aggressive Mars’ entrance into your fifth house of passion and romance. However, hold on tight because happy and beneficent Jupiter will join Saturn and Pluto in your seventh house of close relationships in December.
In November 2018, Uranus returned to Aries, your tenth house of career, for one final visit. Before that, you had several years of Uranus disrupting the status quo around your career zone. In 2019, it will give you that familiar uneasy feeling until it settles into Taurus on March 6. Also, you have aggressive Mars in your career house for the first month and a half of the year.
In 2019 you start strong, nose to the grindstone, and ready to make accomplishments despite other astrological energies, according to your 2019 horoscope. Also as 2018 ended, lucky Jupiter moved into your sixth house of daily work and habits, leaving you feeling fortunate and bountiful. However, January, June, and September may cause you to react emotionally to ongoing events and changes at work. In addition, a Mars/Uranus conjunction in your house of teamwork and hopes for the future might throw a monkey wrench in your plans after mid-February. Fear not! No one survives Uranus in their tenth house for seven years without learning resilience and the benefit of having a Plan B. Remain confident that you can weather any changes you face if any; it’s quite possible that not much will change. However, in astrology, forewarned is forearmed; you need to see the whole picture.
April brings a breath of fresh air to your work zone with a few fortunate events. One is a powerful new moon in Aries, your career house. Soon after, Mercury and Venus also move into Aries, and you’re back on top of your game. Jobs, new clients, and promotions are all on the menu, according to your 2019 horoscope, and you’re ready to take action.
Money & Finances
The summer months are your best financial moments of 2019. Venus will occupy your first house on July 3, moving to your money house on July 27, and Mars enters your money house on July 1. Mercury will retrograde in July, however, it doesn’t seem to be a match for other more fortunate transits. Soon after, it will move forward again and move into your money house as well. You’ll start feeling financially settled with the new moon solar eclipse in your Sun sign on July 2. Entrepreneurs will love the new moon in their money house in late July; it’s time to launch your new ideas. By the October 13 full moon in Aries, you’re well on your way to financial stability.
Best Dates
Your best dates in 2019 are January 22 and November 24 with two Jupiter/Venus conjunctions in your house of health, habits, daily routines, and the way you work. Jupiter has helped you clean up your act whether through work or working out or both; you’re more focused on longevity. These conjunctions will feel like the beginning and end-result, respectively, of all the changes you’ve managed to achieve.Â
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