The Year Ahead
Relationships and partnerships are highlighted and will be a concentrated area of focus and growth for you all year long. Jupiter, the Great Benefic and Saturn, the Great Teacher are part of a stellium of planets in Capricorn activating your solar seventh house of marriage and partnership. Pluto, the Great Transformer, is there as well so you are engaged in nothing short of a dismantling and rebuilding of ideas, beliefs, and actions in the arena of committed relationships.
If you are currently partnered, you have an opportunity to deepen and refresh your connection. Conversely, if you have reached the maximum growth possible in your current relationship it will most likely dissolve so that you are free to connect with someone who is better suited for you. Do not jump from the frying pan into the fire though. If a relationship ends, take the time necessary to understand why, review what you’ve learned and how you’ve grown, as well as areas of weakness and shortcomings. Give yourself time to grieve the ending of the relationship before you embark on a new one or you will just repeat the same mistakes and patterns you want to leave behind. If you give yourself the necessary time to process and heal, a new relationship that begins now will be mutually beneficial, successful, and fulfilling.
This year the ideal times for meeting someone new, or for refreshing and deepening your connection with your partner are:
March 4 – April 3
Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and romance is in Taurus and activates friendship and social engagements in your chart. Uranus, the Great Awakener, is also in this sector of your chart so you can expect surprise meetings, unexpected endings, and out-of-the-blue events, all which have the potential to impact your current relationship or to bring a new partner your way.
Aug 7 – Sept 6
Venus moves into your own sign of Cancer, highlighting your tender heart and compassionate nature. The North Node is also transiting here asking you to get in touch with your self-esteem and self-confidence, to stand in your own personal power, and to project that into the world. Authenticity is incredibly attractive, and you are learning to truly love yourself and to share that with others.
Nov 21 – 12/15
Venus moves into Scorpio and highlights love, romance, and creativity. Your sexuality goes into hyper-drive which can be a whole lot of fun or create a whole lot of drama, the choice is up to you. Although it can be tempting to hide things or to sneak around, avoid that temptation. Keep things above board and you’ll be able to enjoy the magnetic energy that flow to you, through you, and around you during this transit.
You are typically good with money and finances and have a conservative nature when it comes to spending and debt. This continues to hold true for 2020. You will want to continue to avoid heavy debt or relying on someone else for financial support. Along those same lines, this is not the year to loan anyone money, to co-sign for anyone else’s loan, or to put yourself on the line for anyone else financially. Let them stand on their own two feet and learn to navigate the world under their own power and steam. You do not do anyone any favors when you take their responsibilities on as your own, let them grow while you stay out of the way. You may find that new opportunities for work, business, or income streams come through partnering with like-minded people. Be wise and investigate these opportunities carefully before signing any legal papers.
Personal Growth/Spirituality
You tend to stick close to your nest and not spread your wings to fly very often. This year, with Neptune in Pisces activating your solar ninth house, there is great benefit to be found in exploring new experiences, cultures, countries, and philosophies, and in broadening your world. Home will always be where your heart is, so no worries. With that said, grab your passport and follow that call to adventure, let it move you out of the house and into the world, and if that feels overwhelming, you can start with something simple like a cruise. You may find you love that so much you book a walking tour or maybe even want to backpack through Spain. You will be surprised how your concept of “home” expands as you begin to explore new horizons.
Making the Best of 2020
A reading with a Love Psychic can help you better understand the relationship lessons you are being presented with, and help you make wise choices as events and circumstances unfold. It really helps to have a neutral third party to run things by, whose advice you can trust.
Astrology plays an important role in your day-to-day life. The planets are responsible for your moods, experiences and more, which is why you should get a psychic astrology reading. Our astrology psychics can calculate your natal chart and tell you about the important dates in your life (past, present, and future) that will massively impact you.
Find an astrology psychic or learn more about astrology readings.
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