Unlucky 13

Expecting bad luck on Friday the 13th? Well, worry not because superstitions are often based on rumors and unrelated facts cobbled together, and the dread of the number 13 is no exception. ... read more

Relationships and Luck

When you think about it, luck is a fascinating concept. Loosely, it dictates that if the universe favors you, or somehow stumble upon a sequence of randomly fortuitous events, you will join the legions of ... read more

Your Lucky Day

Do you celebrate the Goddess within? Or the Goddess without? Do you worship the moon, or practice wicca? Are you Chinese, Jewish, a Kabbalist, Mayan, Aztec or a Belgian woman? Then for you, 13 is a very ... read more

Crystal Power

As you know, we are energy as much as we are physical. Our laughter, our raging passions, the delicate flutter of our lashes and the powerful swing of a baseball bat, all of these originate as chemical or ... read more
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