8 Texts You Should Send to Your Partner

8 Texts You Should Send to Your Partner

Sweet Nothings or Sweet Somethings?

Uttering sweet nothings (or somethings) has never been easier with today’s texting technology. Some may consider it unromantic, but when done the right way, texting your partner can enhance your bond. Here are eights texts you should be sending each other.

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1. Can I see you tonight?
It doesn’t matter how long you and your partner have been together, you should continue to date each other. That means you should both initiate dates and alone time. A lot of people may use this text to have a serious conversation later in the day, but resist the urge to do this. Serious conversations are meant to be had, and alluded to, in person.

2. I’ve got something amazing to tell you later.
Texts aren’t the best places to share amazing news, although people tend to do it that way all the time. The best thing to do is to share with your partner that you have amazing news to tell them later. This builds excitement and it keeps you from feeling annoyed that they didn’t respond to you news right away.

3. I’m sorry.
This one is mostly for the guys. I know that it’s hard to say you’re sorry, but according to research, most women approve of negotiating deep relationship matters with the use of their gadgets. This means that you can admit your fault over a text, which is much easier written than said—and it won’t count against you.

4. I miss you.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve been apart for an hour, a day, a week, a month or more, telling your partner you miss them over text goes a long way towards strengthening your bond when you are apart. It’s also guaranteed to put a smile on their face.

5. Thank you.
Don’t take your partner for granted. Don’t expect them to do things for you just because you are together. And when they do something nice for you, even if they’ve done it a thousand times before, remember to thank them.

6. You looked sexy when you left the house.
You and your partner are probably in a rush when you leave the house in the morning. But it’s flattering to know that in all the chaos, you noticed they looked attractive. Maybe they’re wearing the same old suit or the same old jeans, but if you think they look sexy, and you tell them, they’ll feel more confident throughout the day.

7. Did you know…
People love to learn new things and share them with others. If you come across something that you know would interest your partner, text it to them. This lets them know you’re thinking of them. It also scores you points for showing interest in their interests.

8. Would you rather…
Plan a date over text, and give your partner choices. If you want your date to be a surprise, you can still be vague with your choices. For example: Sand or sea? Steak or chicken? When your date gets to have a say in what you’re doing together, it makes them feel like an equal. You can still plan the date, but at least you are making sure you’re doing something you both want to do.

Texting may not seem romantic, but it’s an important and convenient form of communication. Why not make the best of it and use it to enhance your relationship?

3 thoughts on “8 Texts You Should Send to Your Partner

  1. Norma

    My name is Norma my boyfriend is always spending time with me I on the weekends just want to know if I’m wasting my time with him or should I continue having a serious relatioship with him…his name is flavio


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