Signs Your Soulmate is on the Way

Signs Your Soulmate is On the Way | California Psychics

Are You About to Meet Your Soulmate?

Part of our sacred human experience is the eternal quest to find our life-long, true love—our soulmate. This is one of the most common concerns I help callers ask their guides and angels about.

Is your soulmate on the way? Speak to one of our love psychics and find out!

“When is my soulmate coming into my life?” “How can I tell when I’ve found him or her?” Thankfully, our angels have many signs to help us know when we are coming closer to finding our soulmate.

  1. The Mystery of the Disappearing Exes. 
    I have lost track of the number of times I’ve had a caller say “I have excellent relationships with all my exes. But now none of them will talk to me. What did I do?”  I almost always see that the person receiving the reading is growing and blossoming spiritually and starting to release the security blanket of those failed relationships. Their higher consciousness has realized that it’s time to let go. The former lovers are not coming back, and that true love is on the way.
  2. The Copycat Strikes Back! 
    Often, a copycat shows up before the real deal comes along. This happened to me, my friends, and to many of my callers. A while ago, I was with someone we will call “Ash.” He was sweet, soft-spoken, with long dark hair, big dark eyes, and a stunning smile. But we lived thousands of miles apart, he worked nights, and I worked days. It didn’t work out. Later, I met another man also named “Ash” who was similar in so many ways to my ex, it was almost scary. However, he was local and we had time for each other. Often the copycat shares the same name, physical features, hometown, and career with your actual soulmate. So when you see someone entering your life who is perfect except one or two deal breakers, that’s a sign that your soulmate is on the way!
  3. Who Are You, and Where Have I Met You Before?
    Have you had that moment? The one where you see a person or place and feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity? This is usually something in our spirit responding to a past life memory. We recognize a person, situation, building, song, or even a smell, but we just can’t place the origin. When we are about to come into contact with our true soulmate we usually see these kinds of coincidences. We may need to step away from these to learn certain soul lessons, but when it is time to really connect with our life partner, the Universe has a way of drawing us back into connection with our soul family.
  4. Soulmate? What Soulmate?
    For many of us, finding our soulmate feels almost like a quest. There is this inner drive that propels us to search. Often, it is almost as if we are turning over every rock and asking, “Is my soulmate under there?” Many times though, as we draw closer to the moment we meet our soulmate, this internal engine seems to slow down. This happens because on a deep level, part of us knows that our mate is nearby and will soon be in our arms.

When you see several or all of these factors entering your life, it may be a strong sign from your guides that your life-long partner is on their way.

There’s nothing worse than romantic uncertainty, but you don’t have to navigate the ebbs and flows of love alone. A love psychic is always available to help and a psychic love reading is exactly what you need to get your relationship on the path to forever.

Learn more about our psychics from real testimonials. For more insight about love and your astrological chart, get your free birth chart report or check out your weekly love horoscope.

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California Psychics is the most trusted source of psychic readings. We have delivered over 11 million discreet and confidential psychic readings by phone since 1995. More than a prediction, we are your guide for life’s journey. Learn more about how psychic readings work and explore the California Psychics blog. With over 500 psychics online to choose from with real customer reviews, you’re sure to find the best psychics for you. Call one of our trusted and accurate psychics today! Confidential and secure, real psychics, accurate predictions, 100% guaranteed.

109 thoughts on “Signs Your Soulmate is on the Way

    1. Julia

      Just be your self. Trust me. They will love it. Also try stepping out of your comfort zone a little. Like try and talk to them more, ask them to hang out, maybe become friends with their friends. Hope that helps 🙂

  1. michelle

    I think I met my soulmate . But not too sure. We are very loving with one another open in work place. He tells me do not give up on him but I am confused I know he lives with someone but is not married

  2. Ayva

    I have to admit..after reading this I feel a little more frustrated. I met a guy recently and we talked and hung out for a month. He didnt have much time to see me because he takes care of his dad and works a full time job. I have to give him credit though because he always tried to make time. He was everything I was looking for in a guy and treated me like a queen. However, our contact came to an end abruptly and I am left confused and wondering what happened. We didnt have a fight or anything he just stopped talking to me, stopped answering texts. I havent heard from him in over a week. I dont know what is going on but after reading this I am wondering if he was in fact the “copy cat.” I just feel so frustrated and not sure I am open to love anymore.

    1. Deedee

      Long ago, I had a palm reading that stated I will meet my soulmate but he would leave me for his soulmate. Here where I’m confused; one guy I feel like is my soulmate and I mean it was crazy, we knew what each other were thinking, feeling, and I was always happy with him everytime we touch I feel as if I’ve known him forever. We broke up and he left on a spiritual journey and he always told me he felt as if we were soulmates but in this life time he wants to do something different. I think his soulmate is this girl he’s been with off/on since 2014. This is where I get confused, my ex bf/ my child’s father I feel like isn’t my soulmate and I’ve never felt like I did with the other guy. My palm reading also, said the person I have my 1st child with is my husband. Currently I am not in a relationship with my child’s father, so I’m confused ass to how if ever we get back together.

    2. marilyn

      maybe it is not about you. Maybe something happened to his father or him suddenly. Give it some time a lot can occur in a week. Perhaps you were texting to much also and he had to step back to not be controlled, or feel what he is feeling.

      Just Breathe, either way you will know before long.

    3. Mel

      Yes when i was reading this, the abruptly ending of contact just shows this wasn’t meant for you, it was just to show you, there is someone who will have everything you want, but he wasn’t the one for you, else the contact would never have stopped, your soulmate is coming, keep faith and be aware of signs!

    4. Sania

      Any update. Had similar situation lately. Would love to hear if he was the copycat for you or not. Kind regards

  3. jj

    I have had all the sing happen for me and I Found my soul mate but at the same time so much bad things would happen to pull us apart until wE just let go of each other so if he and i was ment to betogether forever why did we fall apart . Plz reply to my question i would really like to know what happen

  4. Hilda

    I was married for almost 30 years with a man, that I knew he was not my soul mate, since the beginning of our marriage we had problems. I can’t explain how I have been with him for so long, but any way one day he thought he had met a lady over the net and it was just a scammer. He asked me to divorce him and I did, we still live in the same house, because I have no money to move out. Last year I thought I had met my soul mate, I feel like I have known this man for ever and I fell madly in love with him, but he does not feel the same about me I want a serious relationship and he doesn’t, right now he doesn’t even wants to speak to me. I wonder. if he is my copy cat or the real thing

  5. Regina 5764

    I actually want to respond to you PJ because I spent a very long time believing exactly what you stated.

    I went through a lot of disappointing relationships, and so many of them showed such great promise in the beginning. I genuinely began to believe that there was no such things as a soul mate or if there was there was no soul mate for me.

    it took awhile for my soulmate come into my life. One of the hardest lessons I personally had to learn was that are soulmates does not come to us until we are ready. And just because we’re lonely doesn’t mean we’re ready. Also, just because we want a particular person very badly does not mean they are our soulmate. Often we have pre programming or prejudice or fear that gets in the way of us see our true soul mate. sometimes we have trauma from which we must recover before we can have that relationship run into our lives. Other times are soul mate has things they are working on. There are literally thousands of reasons why are so make me not be in our life yet.

    This article is about some of the divine signals that we can recognize and the universe’s way of telling us that we have reached our time to connect with our true soul to soul lover.

    if you personally are feeling stuck, or you’re not seeing any of the sign showing up in your life, or if you are constantly attracting people that are not right for you all that means is there something that you haven’t learned yet. It may be something very small or something very large. But if you are willing to open your mind and find out what it is, you will find that soul mates are very real.

    If we followed the intuition god gives all of us, and work to improve and heal ourselves, we can removed the blocks that keep us from connecting with the person the Universe has for us.

  6. shanna

    What if your In love w someone you previously couldnt have….but now your both available… do I win him for just me…..I think he is my true soulmate…but hes scared to feel those feelings we have for each other…..reguardless I dont want to lose our friendship,thats grown so much*?**

  7. Philomena


    I am in love with a Catholic priest. I did not know he was a priest when we met, of all places, on a dating site. That was almost three years ago and at the time he was not a practicing priest because of some allegations of sexual misconduct years before. He said they were unfounded and never proven. When he finally told me he was a priest, I was in love with him and he was in love with me. He asked me to marry him as soon as he became laicized, meaning he would become like a regular Catholic. Then, a year and a half ago the church suddenly restored his full faculties. That was when he began the process of abandoning me. I am sick with grief. He allows me a few hours once a week with him and will not give me his home phone number. I am afraid that he will try this with another woman. I want to remain friends with him, but one minute he is kind and the next he is disparaging me to the point that I began screaming on the phone while talking to him and I could not stop until I collapsed. I have no one to talk to and he knows it. I could go to the archdiocese, but that would destroy his life. I don’t know what to do. I still love him.

    Will I ever meet a decent man who will love me ? I prayed for months and God sent me a priest.


    1. Nancy

      Maybe investigate the allegations he had against him before they restored his full faculties… I bet they were true but he was sneaky about hiding the proof. He may be abusing others again already. Scary. It could be your crusade to stop him.

    2. Sunshine

      I am just a random girl from these comments, but I have something to say. You are a beautiful women with a strong heart, mind body and soul. I don’t know your part of the story, so please forgive me if I get it wrong. God has a plan for you, just like he has one for me and for everybody else. You should spend your single years focusing on God, and when you are ready, when your heart is fully ready. Then God will send the man who is chosen for you, and have faith and patience. Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes things like that are a lesson for life.

      God bless you!


  8. kathy davis

    i think i met my solmate when i was 13 but he and i ere both young and he went his way i went mine we both married other people him several other people now we have gt to know each other really well and i feel that he’s the one i should of been with all along justnoe sure if he feels te same

  9. eniko

    Hey Regina
    I am not asking you if my true partner is on the way or not. I just want to tell you that it seems to me you might be the first person in this area who could actually have real knowledge. The general things you wrote down are exactly the same experiences I had in the relationship arena. I have many marriages and divorces under my belt. Many exes who still like me, and some who try to pick up the pieces with me. I feel it my heart they were not or me, so I pretend I can’t see what they are trying to do (reconcile). Funny, how you mentioned the copycat partners who seem to come before the real once. That is exactly true. Beware the copycat always! If a person gets involved a married person it is almost always inevitable to get hurt, don’t do it! If you think a married person may be your soul mate the only way you can be sure, about this, that you do not move in with that person and do not have any typo of sex, not even a kiss. Wait for that person to sort out the marriage and get divorced. If that person is willing to get divorced that is to end a the marriage with honesty and then comes to you, YOU know this person is your partner. I don’t think this ever happens like I described it here. So, understand! Thank you Regina for the information, it is really true and in my opinion: finally an adviser that is not full of vague crap talking. YOU might be for real. Tx, E.

  10. Chrissi

    I think I had my soulmate- even when we split ( because of cultural reasons)we always knew when either of us was down- and would be there for each other he has now passed on and I feel the loss every single day but- I am with someone who I feel has a need of me he certainly needs me more than I do him but I feel he has been put in my life for a reason though and I would never do anything to hurt him even though I can never love him as much as he does me

  11. Beverly LaPlante

    While reading this A lot of feelings and memories came into play. I believe we were given In my gut fully , And There are times it’s hard to know what I should do because she just doesn’t say anything. I’ve been with a man for a little over 15 years, We’ve seen each other through a lot, it has always been him ad I rescuing each other when the chips were down. Talking to each other or not, It’s definitely an odd relationship and I’ll be the first to admit it. He’s been a father to both my children, though their blood is not the same. We once shared vows together for one year but it for us seem not quite what was best. We then agreed it best to be “Friends” and it was just to hurtful for anyone to have what we both wanted. After my last summers “happenings” I was so afraid That He’s all I seemed to need since and Yet There is some distance, My stubborn Gut is still holding me back with the “friends” thing.
    Help, Please…..

  12. Deborah

    Well I have been a lone for years now sense my husband pass away in 2004. In 2006 I met a man name Wesley Davis that I fell In Love with. But For some reason I always felt something was not right. But I felt he was my soul mate. He never felt the same I did about him. 2008 he end the friend ship we had. and sense that time I haven’t dated are even try to have a relationship of any kind. His birthday is September 27 1961 and my is October 17 1954. Will I ever meet someone that I can really love and he will truly feel the same. I do get lonely just for someone to have a conversation with are dinner. I feel so un whole. What Can I do. How much do you charge for a reading???. e-mail me please. thanks Deborah

  13. Miranda

    I have looked, wanted, and dated too many…I give up! I’m not mate material! But that’s OK now, I have realized that I have four of the cutest little men (my grandsons), they are all the man/men I need.

  14. teresa walker

    Ok this just gave me the creeps/ LOL?WOW> Short story I jst had sent text to the quy I have connected with in a way never before have in my life. Met on a dating site and I had never been on one b4, but jst ended a relationship and tired of same ol same ol. Had so many messages that when I got email from him to call I got him confused with another guy on site with same name, he got in touch by ph and we talked for hour, so easy, same page type thing didi for week and was feeling strong connection then something said and he said “did ya not read profile, Im married/omg i slmost died \my number one rule is no married men/stric\t on that/but we had set a date to meet for lunch the following week after a i had a weekend trip and I fought with myself over decision but I had such a strong feeling I had to see him. So went on my “girls weekend LOL” Haad a blast for first time in long time and was kinda ,like had enough of looking for someone so monday I almost didt show up for lunch,but he had driven down and I thought just go get over with. OMG the second our eyes met I felt such a overwhelming sense of every emotion there is, I sat down beside hom and layed my head back on shoulder(i do not do things like that) but got up sat on other side, now he might not have turned my head on street but I could not stop looking at him and the thought I know you, you are mine, Just this tremendous wave of desire, almost a compulsion, skip we did end up seeing each other(and i hated myself for that)but I have never had anything close to the complete and soulfilling feelings i have with him. It was intense and undeniable. things happened that never had and prob never will again. We got so serious he left home and moved in and pure bliss So I thought)I have always been a insomniac, have hardest time sleeping but when I layed my head on his shoulder like I did first day not knowing why I slept like a baby, peaceful, and slept thru night, met in feb, moved in easter and was gone not long after but no matter what he does or how it goes I have been unable to let him go, Had more hurt than can imagine but we are so connected to each other its crazy, we text same words at same precise moment in time all the time, I know when he is going to call and viceversa. its eeerie, I have been thru hell and back waiting on promise after promise that never happens, and just the other day gave him another chance and walked right backl into the fire only to be burned again. Now Im alone, sad, and had just sent text after 4days of not responding to him because I want to let it go, but then I see this the very minute I send text\ Ok why?? Is there really hope that he was the imposter OMG please let that be so and I really find that level with someone or I know I will never ever give my heart and trust to anybody again, I was already jaded, did not trust, noone could get thur a certain level with me. One kiss with him and the walls were gone, and right now as im typing my phone is going off and its him. Everyone pray for me the strength to find myself again and purge him from my soul/ or is he the one

  15. keisha mcnair

    I had the same feeling of intensity with the guy I’m talking too Christopher ledwell. He felt it too. Are we soulmates ? Are we going to be together forever?

  16. lizabeth

    I’m 62+ and I’m just ready now. I had a lot of questions and investgations to conduct first. I didn’t want to hurt anyones feelings on the way. I’ve been very independent up until now. I’m ready to enjoy a companion for this last leg of my journey. lets take it to the limit together.

  17. Howard Hrashaw

    I was married to someone who turned out to be decietful , egotistical and selfish. we only lived together for one year and i recently divorced her. This lady that worked in the building with me left the job, butshe would call me periodically. I go to this musci festival every year in Longbeach cal. I was preparing to go and for some reason her name came to mind and I called her and asked if she wanted to go and she said yes, we wnt and had a great time, I really like her but I don’t feel that she likes me that much but sh has agreed to go out to another festival with me. I am not sure but just wondering is he going with me because I paid for the fesival or is it because she wants to be with me. Her name is Raceal. Cold she be my soul mate.

  18. LaMar

    Regina! I feel like you wrote this just for me. I was attracted to the title, but as I read on it seamed to be talking to me personally. I have steps 1 & 2 down pact. My X of three and a half years left on the 17th of June a very bad relationship. I met on the last day of June what I thought was my Twin flame. And spent the best 3 days of my life, including during this time was my birthday that I spent with him having the best birthday ever. It was like we were in the most perfect relationship, better then I could ever imagine ! It was so easy and flowing. Unfortunately & fortunately he lives in France my favorite place on earth! I have never connected with anyone the way I connected with him and he was everything I wanted in a mate. He left me and continued his journey around the US. In the meantime I sent him a letter expressing my feelings for him and have since not heard back from him and he will not answer the emails I sent to him, At first I was heart broken as I could not imagine my life without this person. He showed me the real type of relationship I wanted. Since then and still not hearing from him I have let it and him go with love and I have been at peace with it. Not understanding it all as I asked Why would the Universe show me 3 days of Heaven and then have it all just come to a stand still. And then I read your blog. Now I’m eagerly awaiting my true Soulmate, I thank this person for coming into my life and leading the way and thank you for this blog!!!

  19. l

    help me find i need spritial guiderances and to be ublocked by all people me and the family weres the cash u know the moneys iam ouwed check out

  20. Lisa

    Thank you, I recently met someone who I thought could be the one…….., that didnt work out. I needed this. It gave me hope. I a praying to Jesus to help me find my true soul mate.

  21. Lori

    I’ve been by myself for over 4 yrs now, after my husband commited sucide, and their hasn’t been anyone in my life, was just wonderng if there will ever be someone again? I’m not one to go out by myself not a good thing to do these days. Do you see me with anyone that would be good for me in my future?

  22. PJ

    This is such a crock of crap! How many people throw these words around all the time. I’m so sick and tired of hearing all this bull. There is NO SUCH THING as a SOUL MATE! Grow up people and get a life. For Pete’s sake. You’re all adults and you should KNOW better. Every person I talk to almost quotes this stupid phrase, HE/SHE is my soul mate. Then in a year, or maybe even two, they are splitting up, getting divorce, hate each other, and are fighting over what’s left of the relationship. PLEASE!!!! There is NO SUCH THING>

  23. Kawanna

    I’m thirty something and I haven’t find my soulmate and I give up I don’t believe and that at all. Why would the universe make me wait so long?

  24. Hope

    I also think, to add to point 3, when u meet THE ONE, it’s an almost immediate sense that you’ve known this person forever yet it’s so exciting & new. within days of meeting my man people asked if we were married?! Years later it’s still old & familiar yet new & exciting. finding your soulmate is such a blessing!!
    Best wishes to all!

  25. kelly justice

    I just broke up with the man I belived was my soulmate but it did no happen so what I was wanting to know is when will I meat him

  26. Nova Crystal Wood

    Hi Regina I am ms. Nova Crystal Wood Born the 6th of June in 1975.
    I have had a bit of a tuff life, I try very hard.
    Tell me Please will I meet my soul mate face to face soon.

  27. larry gallagher

    you maybe on to some thing there, or i should say maybe i’m on to some one, funny you say that ( very strong feeling’s now ) so much of what you say is happening now, don’t know if it’s because i want it 2 or if u are on 2 it ? interesting thank’s


    Iam very critical posititon in my running life. At present Iam unable to run my family daily needs for my funds are not in right trak. So, what I can do my level best.
    Regards, K.V.R.Babu.

  29. debra

    well my boyfriend (Mike Scott) from 11th grade til age 21 friended me on linkedin, I was very surprised he accepted my request because he has ignored me. I am just curious? Of course we are both married for yrs.

  30. Chris

    I’ve already met my soulmate. She was exactly as you describe. But she died & I do not believe I shall find a soulmate again.

    1. Erin rock

      Reminds me of this guy I have a connection with. I could describe him without a photo. He can code like my ex husband. Both my ex and him have been a dj. My ex has big eyes like my soulmates brother. His moms first and last name is the same as my aunt. My ex husband, my uncle who married my aunt with the same first and last name, and his brother birthdays are in the 28th but different months. I have a list of occurances that happened. I’ve seen over 6 doppelgängers of my soulmate. I keep seeing Texas license plates in the star of Michigan and he lives in Texas. Even at training for work I saw a Texas and a California next to each other. He moved from Cali pro Texas. He visited Michigan For the first time the year I moved to the state. We even see the same movie on the exact same day. One time I was going to see Star Wars in 3D but the movie theaters 3D was broken so I waited until Saturday. He went that Saturday to see it in 3D too for the first time, and we both sat next to someone who saw it several times. He was in California at the time and I was in New Jersey. I could go on.

      Now I get a voice that isn’t pleasant and pretends to be him. It doesn’t sound like him at all.

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