Pets in Your Life Are No Accident

In 1994, my boys and I moved to Italy. One afternoon, Levi (my son) came running in the house with the cutest puppy I had ever seen and he was begging me to let him keep it. I felt obligated to say no because it was a street puppy and could be infected with diseases. Three days later, I had a homesick 13 year old on my hands who was spending all his time worrying about this puppy rather than getting acquainted with his new home … so I finally gave in. The deal was, he was the one to take care of it. I had a heavy work load and certainly didn’t have time to entertain a puppy. He agreed.

Long story short, before I could get Ebony (who was half Doberman and half Sheppard) to the vet for a physical and shots, she became very ill. I rushed her to the vet where we discovered she had Parvo. She stayed in the veterinary hospital for about a week. When we brought Ebony home, a friend of mine came over every day to give her the shots needed to maintain her recovery while I was busy working.

After she recovered, I made an appointment to bring her back to the vet to receive the remainder of her shots. The poor thing came down with Distemper and the vet was skeptical about her survival. Miraculously, she did, only to finish her bout of illness with tick fever. This little fighter pulled through all of it leaving me with an enormous vet bill, but a beautiful, smart animal that everyone loved. She would have died on the streets if my son had not scooped her up that day and brought her into our lives.

On a separate occasion, we had adopted another dog off of the street (a white Sheppard) who I just fell in love with. I named her Bonnie. Not long after, my boyfriend Chuck and I were staying at a hotel that catered to a lot of the NATO forces. We were sponsoring a new family to the area and one day, as we came out of the hotel, there was this big Belgian Sheppard on the side of the road all by himself. Chuck immediately went over to pet him and I warned him to be careful because he looked wild. The dog was friendly and very insistent on getting closer to me. Before I knew it, I had a cold nose in my hand waiting for some love. “What a nice dog,” I said to him. As we got into the car, the dog sat with sad eyes and a look as if he has just lost his best friend. I started to drive away but I could hear this awful crying … I turned to Chuck to ask what it was, he said “Honey, the dog is running behind the car crying!” I pulled over, opened my door and invited him into our car (and lives!). We named him Clyde. He became so attached to me that he would wait for me to arrive home from work and would even refuse to eat if I was away on business until I told him over the phone that it was ok to eat.

I do believe that pets choose their owners and that they come into our lives to teach us a lesson. With every animal that has come into my life, an increase in compassion and patience fills my spirit and all I want to do is help them. I am blessed to have been able to make a real difference in these animals lives (usually saving them) and am fortunate they return the favor to me. It is a wonderful treasure to share a portion of your life with such beautiful beings.

31 thoughts on “Pets in Your Life Are No Accident

  1. Pingback: Puppy Love at First Sight | California Psychics Blog

  2. Pingback: Dogs and Jealousy | California Psychics Blog

  3. Pingback: Pet Peeves: More Then One Soulmate? | California Psychics Blog

  4. balancedesires

    Hi Abigail!

    All the older responses to this article when it first was written went POOF!! I did not see any so I am responding to you! I hope all is well over there in Cali with the recent quakes. Hope you are doing well too! I send prayers & fuzzies your way all the time! Chat soon! Balance, tranquility & peace within to you my dearest life coach!

  5. Abigail Ext 9570

    Oh it does it goes along with what you are doing and going through at the present time. Google it for your area it’s called Aura Photography. Nice to see you too!!!!
    Full Moon Blessings & Cyber Hugs

  6. Abigail Ext 9570

    You are quite welcome I now have 2 birds, a cat that moved in from next door, a fish tank and 3 baby box turtles like a zoo…..I’m not suppose to have any animals 🙂
    Many Blessings

  7. balancedesires

    Hi Abigail!
    Thanks for sharing this & I love your new photo, such a kind soul! So would you say that it changes over time then? Where would one have a photo like this taken? I know of some psychic fairs but had not seen whether or not they would have a photographer on hand to do that. Much love & light to you my friend! 😉

  8. Abigail Ext 9570

    Children are pretty open up to about the age of 9 then all the over thinking starts and other peoples influences changing how they view the world. Orange is perfect for you at this time its high energy, also signifies courage for making changes :-)!! The last time I had an aura photo taken there were many colors mostly a tourquoise blue over my head area with white orbs LOL lots of them in it then it turnes deep blue and purple. I also had red & pink around my chest and heart area. When I’m into healing it changes to green and yellow I have quite a few photos. The man who use to take them died this past year of cancer he was so very wonderful. I knew the last photo he took was the last time I would see him.
    Many Blessings

  9. balancedesires

    Hi Abigail!
    Thanks for the visual about the little girl running up to you! About how old do they grow out of it? Children seem to bond to me pretty easy as well & have often wondered if the children in my life can see? Out of curiosity & forgive the question but what color is yours? I believe mine to be orange, which would make sense for my love of pumpkins & I painted my living room orange about 4 years ago!! Hugs! 😉

  10. Abigail Ext 9570

    Salem wanted to be the Alfa cat of the house hence the bad behavior. He loved you and wanted to come back….listen to your gut you used the word reluctantly thats the lesson pay attention to that feeling dear heart.
    Many Blessings

  11. crystal

    i like this store.i have a redbone blodhound.we i had her for 7yeares.and we both lost someeone we love.we help each ather get though it.i love her alot.she was nothing but a stray. now she heath can wasmy boyfired that pass away it that was his baby.

  12. Tina

    I’m a certified cat lover. I had met Midnight, whom the neighborhood kids renamed ” Salem” because he was all black and from the show “Sabrina,the Teenage Witch. My youngest daughter ( Wynnie) adopted him,and he took right to her. he was a Persian/tabby mix,with golden eyes,and as stubborn as they come! He would look up at me,with that little round face,and plead for me to “rescue” him from Wynnie’s clutched arms. She loved that kitten. The original owner,Linda, has a bad habit of adopting cats,then turning them loose to the wild,when she gets bored with them. We adopted Salem,and he would not get along with our other two cats, Mama Kitty ( another rescue) and our first cat,Amsterdam, a Maine Coon mix. He insisted he use the hallway as a litter box,when there were two perfectly good ones in the bathroom.
    I have no patience with an animal that was taught to use the litter box,and refused to do so. He was the only one not altered. On New years Eve, Linda said she wanted Midnight back. I gave him back, reluctantly, and three days later, he was hit by a car,when Linda’s niece let him out. I have not forgiven Cindy for letting him out, or Linda for him getting hit. I just wonder what lesson he was here to teach us? I still miss Salem,and his big yellow eyes. he loved us unconditionally,and I miss him heaps.

  13. Believer

    Dear Abigail,
    I adore animals and agree with you 100%. We are indeed blessed to share this world with such beautiful creatures. Animals are pure, unconditional love…thank god for their existence!
    Thanks for sharing your heartwarming stories!

  14. Abigail Ext 9570

    You’re quite welcome! Glad you liked it. I attract animals and kids…..I had a little girl in pink run up to me today on my walk in the park arms strethed out and her mother in shock saying I’m sorry she never does that! I said it’s ok I bent over to give her a hug and the little dog they had started to growl and I said its ok buddy and he stopped. LOL The ladies face was funny I just looked at her smiled and said animals and babies love me. If I’d of said your little girl see’s my aura she would have run for the hills hehehe
    Many Blessings

  15. Abigail Ext 9570

    They are wonderful they never judge you, know when you are sad, protect and love you unconditionally…..and usually the runts turn out to be the tigers with a lot of personality and spunk. The runt of Bonnies litter of puppies they lady named her Medusa LOL
    Many Blessings

  16. Abigail Ext 9570

    Oh Gina Rose I could just see you, myself and Verbena in Italy now we’d be known as the animal witches LOL we’d have to buy a big old farm just to house them all ROFL now.
    Many Blessings

  17. Ann-Marie

    Abigail,that was one of the greatest stories i’ve ever read.I believe in “animal fate”,that’s how I ended up with my Scooby.He saw me and gave me the cutest look.I had to take him home.I gave him 6 more years than he would have had staying in the pet store.He passed away 5 years ago,but he’s always with me.

  18. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi Abigail,
    Great article….yes, working with a non-profit no kill shelter I see animals choose their humans all the time. LOL!
    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  19. Joey 9406

    Hi Abigal,
    This tugged at my heart strings. Good article. I, too, always seem to find the underdog. And they turn out to be such a blessing. Blessings to you and your—-Joey 9406


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