Correct Psychic Timing

With her 40th birthday looming, Michelle Sathe decided it would be a bit of a cliché to have a midlife crisis – instead, she wanted to do something productive.

Having volunteered with the Brittany Foundation, a nonprofit animal rescue, Michelle had an idea… she would take a road trip around the United States promoting animal adoption and pit bull awareness with a particularly sweet sidekick – and then write about it. Loren, a 3-year-old pit bull with a heart of gold, was the lucky pooch chosen to accompany her.

But when it came time to write about their adventures, Michelle found that the project was a lot bigger than she had imagined. Already a lifestyle journalist, her professional daily deadlines, in addition to her volunteer work, just didn’t offer her the time she needed for her labor of love.

That’s when Michelle talked to California Psychic’s own Psychic Joyce ext. 9598 for guidance.

Michelle believes that certain people have something other-worldly and spiritual in their energy. She was drawn to Joyce by her down-to-earth photo, and was pleased that Joyce’s bio mentioned her astrology expertise.

She gave Joyce her birth date, and asked what she could glean. Joyce immediately looked at Michelle’s chart and told her the problem stemmed from issues with Saturn. Joyce recommended that Michelle look at her book as a long-term project – and not worry so much about getting it done right away.

The psychic predicted that after October 15, she would have time to focus… Down the line, in the month of June, Joyce picked up on big money and dreams coming true.

She was right on! Michelle explained that a big pet fair she was working on was wrapping up, and that after that date, she would indeed have more time to focus.

But best of all, June is Michelle’s target goal for getting her book published. The timeline was very accurate for Michelle’s planned goal.

“Joyce was very down-to-earth and positive. She encouraged me, and made me feel better about allowing myself time to finish the project. I would definitely read with her again!”

Check out Michelle and Loren’s blog of cross-country adventures. She is currently working on her book Pit Stops: America and Its Bully Breeds with Loren the Rescued Pit Bull.

Have you ever rescued a dog? Tell us about it here.

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About California Psychics
Want to build a better future? A life path reading with one of our talented life path psychics can tell you where you’re headed. A life path psychic can help you find what you love so you can love what you do. And if you don’t like where you’re headed, your life path psychic can steer you down a better path.

Learn more about our psychics from real testimonials and read through our Destiny & Life Path Blog. For more insight about your destiny & your astrological chart, get your free birth chart report today.

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