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Planning, progress, making decisions, sharing, partnership, teamwork, and determination.
Staff Suit Meaning
The suit of Staffs is associated with creativity, passion, art, and sex. It is the suit connected with the element of Fire, and with Fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The Suit of Staffs seeks attention, pleasure, passion, and a sense of connectivity. This is where lust lives, where anger, jealousy, and even chaos live. Although mostly, the Staffs are seen as the spark of creativity, artistry, and craft. The Staffs are also associated with the planet Mars, named for the god of war. Fire is bright, it lights the way, it burns both barriers and bridges without caring which it reaches first, and every card in the suit of Staffs embodies that fiery energy. Depending on the deck, this suit could be called Wands, Rods, Staves, or Clubs.
General Meaning for the Two of Staffs
The Ace of Staffs sets the path and the Two of Staffs follows through. Twos are always about moving forward and connecting. Take a plan to the next level and include taking unusual and untried methods of arriving as a goal. There’s a great, big world out there ready for you to conquer your goals and share them with others. Expand your horizons and discover the mysteries of the unknown. The Two of Staffs can also describe a creative partnership, pairing up with someone who fuels your fire with their own energy and helps push things forward.
Two of Staffs in the Past/Yesterday Meaning
In this position the Two of Staffs indicates a time in the past where you may have gone out of your comfort zone to try something new, perhaps with a partner. Use this as encouragement in making life-altering decisions now. If you’ve been stubborn about doing something on your own, consider the benefits of accepting some help.
Two of Staffs in the Present/Today Meaning
The Two of Staffs is letting you know that if you need help accomplishing a goal, it’s time to look for a partner who encourages you or who will even share the load. Twos, in general, are known for making better decisions together. If you’ve been on the fence about making changes in your life, partner with a friend. Sometimes things like saving money or dieting are easier when you’re being held accountable by another person. If you’re falling short of your creative or personal goals, find someone who wants to work and grow with you.
Two of Staffs in the Future/Tomorrow Meaning
In the future position, the Two of Staffs indicates a happy, fulfilling life. Be willing to try a fresh approach to reach unprecedented goals. Lean on your creativity and look to those you admire, and don’t be afraid to emulate the kind of person you want to be. If you’ve been considering a big change, then this card is urging you to go for it.
Love and Relationship Meaning for the Two of Staffs
If you’re looking for love it may be time to widen your search. Seek out new adventures, meet new people, and perhaps learn something new. The Two of Staffs is about partnership and teamwork, so keep an eye out for a partner who encourages you and has creative ideas of their own that they want to share. Try new things, you may find this person in an unexpected place.
If you’re in a relationship, you may be considering taking it to the next level. If you decide to move in together, for instance you may also decide to live in a completely new place. The Two of Staffs is stable, it’s a partnership full of fire and energy, and with communication and foresight it can encourage you to take the next step.
Career Meaning for the Two of Staffs
In a work reading, the Two of Staffs suggest this may be the time for you to go after the job you’ve never done or felt you had the experience for. If it’s not the vocation, perhaps it’s a new location – a new city, state, or even country. There is no reason you cannot put yourself out there and learn, grow and teach. Follow in the steps of of the person you want to be.
Financial Meaning for the Two of Staffs
It may be time to widen your financial horizons and expand your portfolio. Perhaps consider some overseas investments. The Two of Staffs encourages risk and covering new ground. Keep an eye open for new opportunity and people to team up with. Whatever you decide, now is the time to pick a plan and stick to it.
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