Psychic Quinn: Music Moves Us

Music is Powerful!

Songs of love linger in our minds and hearts. They get us through our days and nights with a rhythm that never seems to stop. It doesn’t matter if it’s the song you make love to, the theme song from your favorite television program or a commercial jingle—if it’s in your head and keeps you going, it’s delightful music.

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Something for Everyone

The most wonderful thing about music is that it moves us. Perhaps you listen to hard rock or metal because it’s like yelling out loud and releasing tension. Or maybe you like to listen to jazz or R&B when you drive to work or go for a walk in nature. When it comes to music, there is something for everyone to connect to and get them going.


Music plays a huge role in religion. It gathers people together whether it’s to the sound of church bells or the Muslim call to prayer. You may have some childhood memories of going to a house of worship and singing songs with hundreds of other people. You may remember the people around you getting emotional. That’s because religious music touches our hearts and spirits and makes us think.


If you meditate for a deeper understanding of your own psyche, you may do it with the help of music. And when we think of music to meditate by, it’s different for everyone. Maybe you prefer the sound of the ocean or a babbling brook. I have a friend who meditates while mowing the lawn and another friend who meditates when playing billiards. Any sound works as long as it helps you focus and keeps the flow as you go off to your blissful place.


Music sets the pace while we work. It really gets the blood pumping and the brain working. Some people prefer instrumental pieces while they work. Others don’t mind the lyrics because they can tune them out. Working to music helps to drown out environmental disturbances and chatty co-workers!


When you think of your partner or a great love you’ve had, what song plays? If you have never heard sweet music while in a relationship, there’s a good chance the relationship you’re in might not be the right one for you. That’s because the song in your heart needs to connect with the song in another person’s heart in order for the relationship to be meaningful and memorable.

Does the Beat Change?

From time to time, we can lose the melody and the rhythm that comes with it. Whether it’s the result of a lost love, a new job, or diet plan, our inner music can change. But our basic core of music stays the same. It matures and deepens with life experience, but it stays the same.

Why I Love Music

Music makes sex romantic. It helps me get creative and it gives me the motivation to move, dance and exercise. It helps me get through a busy day or a rough patch in life. Music is a spiritual journey. I love music. In fact, I call myself a “music surfer.” I catch every vibrational wave my music has to offer in order to enhance my day and make it magical. I hope this article inspires you to take a closer look at the music you enjoy. I hope you take note of how it makes you feel and how it enhances your life!

May the music in your heart last forever!

Psychic Quinn ext. 5484

14 thoughts on “Psychic Quinn: Music Moves Us

  1. misschrissy

    Miss Krystal
    My favorite music is the Beatles as well and although you are around 40 and I am 60, this group was my group in my teens, so I know all the words of all the songs off by heart, back in the day when there were LP records and we had to stop and start and write down the lyrics, not like today that everything is so mechanical.

  2. misskrystal

    Hi & great article, Quinn. The only thing that changed for me is eversince I have been in my forties, I don’t blast music anymore. Used to be the louder, the better. Not anymore. I remember being a teenager and I noticed my mom started to get tired of loud music. Now I understand.
    I like a very balanced sound/volume. Not too loud and not too low…..I love music the most when I am driving. My favorite group of all time is the Beatles 🙂
    Just wanted to share. Thanks for such an inspiring article. Psychic Miss Krystal

  3. Seren ext. 5445Psychic Seren, Ext 5445

    And let’s not forget the Musica Universalis, or Music of the Spheres, those tones of unique energy emitted by our Sun, Moon and planets as they dance through their orbits.

    Perhaps, if we are very quiet both within and without, we can “hear” them and be even more in tune with our Universe.

    Wonderful article!

    Brightest blessings,
    Seren, Ext 5445

  4. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Nice article, Quinn !!!

    I meditate sometimes to the sound of singing humpback whales.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  5. Hector Suarez

    Thank you once again. It is 5:15 AM Eastern Standard time here in Clermont, Florida. It is Monday Morning September 29, 2014 and it is rainy morning. Why I am writing all this details down. for I feel like a brand new man. alive happy and hopeful for a bright future. You see just resentfully I became a widower after twenty six delightful and loving years to a most magnificent woman( my love wife Joan Ann) may she rest in peace. I lost my favorite cat that kept me company during the ruff times. I lost my Federal job in order to stay home and take care of my wife.
    All that is behind me, and ready to enjoy happy and successful day ahead. I am listening to Modern jazz: Bob James and Earl Kluge. It sets the tone for a easy relaxing Monday morning, with out stress.
    Thank you for your article on the love of music.

  6. Angel Manuel

    Music is a great tool to get by life different situations however I listen to a variety of music the same type of music genre it gets monotonous variety or diverse is Awesome.

  7. Wilma hurlow

    The way I make music is in everything coming alive and there is music in everything god has created- I believe we have a musical

    I write songs i see music in everything- The wind-the trees The soil- I think We have a musical God- It is inscribed i8n Our soul- I love the sun and rain and colors- the trees and flowers and animals- all have there own music- The world is harmony- a band- Everything singing and dancing in creation

  8. sherpeace

    Sooo true! All of what you say here speaks to me. My hubby plays piano so he really brings a lot of music to our life together.
    I recently went to a hynotherapist to help me with my writing as well as to get rid of some of the extra wt. I have been carrying around. I decided to add some words to a spiritual song I know. I find I get rid of wt. whenever I sing the song. It’s quite amazing actually!


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