Stop Over Thinking!

I have a tendency to stay camped out in my head worrying about ‘what ifs’ that never end up happening. My Buddhist friend has taken it upon herself to show me how Buddhism can really help people with overactive minds, such as myself, clear out that clutter!4567930-586x384

If you’re new to Buddhism, I found a really great magazine with helpful tips. Check out Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. I get their daily email called Tricycle’s Daily Dharma, and recently they had a great little quote about ‘what if’ thinking:

“Dharma practice means dealing with what is happening in our mind at this moment. Instead of dreaming of conquering future attachment, let’s deal with the craving we have right now. Rather than drowning in fears of the future, let’s be aware of the fear occurring right now and investigate it.

–Thubten Chodron, from Taming the Mind (Snow Lion)”

Now if only I could remember that!!!

12 thoughts on “Stop Over Thinking!

  1. Jen

    Joyce, I’m so glad you’re liking the Tricycle newsletter! Their emails are so inspirational and loaded with good insight. I definitely want to do more posts on them.
    You mentioned that you are a Buddhist. Forgive me if this question sounds silly, but what does that mean to you? How do you incorporate the practice into your daily life?

  2. Psychic Joyce extension 9598

    Thanks Jen! I signed up 🙂 I’m Buddhist myself and I’d not heard of it. I’m really enjoying the daily’s.
    Love all ways,

  3. Psychic Joyce extension 9598

    Thanks Jen! I signed up 🙂 I’m Buddhist myself and I’d not heard of it. I’m really enjoying the daily’s.
    Love all ways,

  4. Jonathan 9601

    Well,the future does become the past. So looking in the past everything has worked itself out, one way or another. You deal and move on, so, nothing has changed, you’re still that same person. Plus taking a class on stress management does help. Good job on taking your friends advise with the Buddhist Review. Lots of blessings!

  5. eResumes4Vips

    Most of us focus on Yesterday or Tomorrow…NEVER, Right Now. All of our destiny is predicated by the Present Moment; actions and thoughts formed in the Now. Our Higher Self is the connection between the Now and our physical self. Simply, we could all do well to take several spoonfuls of ‘Wake-Up and focus.’ — eResumes4Vips

  6. Miss Krystal

    I totally agree. We must deal with the “now” for sure. What good is worrying about yesterday or, project too far into future fears, there are so many answers and comfort that are in the “now.”
    Miss Krystal

  7. Pingwin

    My girlfriend totally does this! She’s been getting a lot better at not getting stuck in her head recently though. Thanks for the advice!

  8. VileBear

    I completely agree with this. Although reprogramming our thought processes can be challenging, the hard work pays off in the end to help live happier peaceful lives!

  9. littlekikistar

    Your Buddhist friend sounds wise indeed! Staying in the present moment instead of thinking too much about things we can’t control is always helpful

  10. Jen

    Hi Abigail,
    On the computer note, I definitely have had to learn to ‘reprogram’ my thinking. It’s hard work, but now when I ‘observe’ my thoughts it’s a lot easier to identify the patterns that hold me back.
    Thanks for your insight!

  11. Psychic Abigail

    Ciao Jen good advice glad you are doing the studies consider it like defraging the mind computer. I talk about this very thing several times a day the Ya Buts & What If’s stop you from moving forward. FEAR false evidence appearing real in the mind.


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