While it might not take much to get a guy riled up, there are certain phrases that can light his fire higher and faster than you can say “Yowza.” Let’s take a look at a few zingers certain to prime his pump! The sexiest things to say to a guy should get him going and are sure to please! The sexiest things to say to a guy should get him going and are sure to please!
“You make me hot”
It’s simple but precise. Telling him you are hot for him lets him know that he turns you on and that you find him attractive and sexy.
“Let’s get naked”
As most men will find any opportunity to get naked with a woman, this line works like magic. You’re letting him know that you want to see him naked and do all the enjoyable things people do together when they are. Get more personalized advice, contact a psychic today!
“I love your body”
A man loves to hear his partner tell him that he has an attractive body. Announcing this says you not only like the way he looks but the way he uses his hot bod.
“I’m not wearing any underwear”
This falls under the “a little bit kinky” category because your telling him this makes him feel like he now knows a secret that no one else does, especially if you’re in a public place. This little revelation invariably triggers his visualizing you without your underwear—and you can imagine the rest!
“I can’t keep my hands off you”
Telling him that he is so desirable to you that you cannot stop from touching him is very erotic. It also suggests that his body is so tempting that you cannot help yourself.
“You don’t have to understand sex to enjoy it.” – Kelli ext. 5130
“Let’s try a fantasy”
Letting him know you are into trying new things and experimenting in the bedroom is a huge turn-on to men. You know he’s had ideas and fantasies about you, so now’s the time to invite him to play. He’ll also never turn down an opportunity to learn about a fantasy of yours that the two of you may thoroughly enjoy.
“Wanna take a shower?”
Most men find a sexy shower immensely enjoyable and stimulating. It the perfect opportunity for the two of you to soap each other up and enjoy the water running in between your bodies. It can also add another layer of intimacy as you share what is usually considered private time, and turn it into a sexy rendezvous.
“Keep your partner happy by being happy yourself.” – Blythe ext. 5339
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Do you get tongue-tied when it comes to talking to your true love about your desires? A psychic can help demystify all this for you. Call 1.800.573.4830 or choose your psychic now.
58 thoughts on “7 Sexiest Things to Say to a Guy”
People……..please use spellcheck!……Some of these comments are torturing the English language, not to mention the spelling is worse than a six year old!…..No one is going to take you seriously if your grammar and spelling is horrible.
I have been a loving man who enjoys sex. From the time I was 15 until 80 I am very sexually active, just as I was at 40. However women I have known often lose their sex drive at 45- or over, and it is VERY difficult to live this way. It is too bad that people aren’t more frequently associated with the same drive, and desire. I also know men who have lose their desire at 45 or so. Too bad. Many older men seek out young women because they know they are active and eager for sex.
I have 2 comments… I also have a scar that is 10 inches across my bikini line and one that runs straight down the center of my stomach. I did not want my husband to see it at first and always kept my shirt on. It has faded with years and I now see it as these scars saved my life and I wear them with pride, much as I feel you should do. men don’t get into details about our bodies as we do. We are so bad at picking out flaws on ourselves, but they just make us unique.
SECOND: To the guy who asked why his wife doesn’t want to have sex or even for guys who don’t want to have sex, it could be as simple as low hormone levels. I went through surgery induced menopause at 28 yrs old and sex was of no interest to me at all. I am now using bio-identical hormones which are exactly like what the body makes. It replaces what you can not make yourself and I get a testerone shot every month which gives me strong bones, energy and an amazing sex drive. Look for a compound pharmacy in your area, the hormones are made especially for you and no two peoples are the same levels. They can direct you to a doctor in your area who can test and put you on the right track. Life is too short to go through menopause and be unhappy with hot flashes, sadness and all the things that a lack of hormones can do to you. I feel wonderful and would not want to live without my bio-identical hormones. They are safer than what you get from a regular pharmacy and will not contribute to breast cancer like the ones made from pregnant horse pee. My sex life is wonderful, I feel great again, and you also have effects such as less wrinkles, better skin and gorgous hair. Of course with the men and the testosterone, you will also receive hgh shots to make sure your male jewels do not show any signs of shrinkage like with testosterone alone. Trust me, try it. Insurance will pay for it. So far I have not paid a dime except for my estrogen and progesterone. They run me $24 per month. So it is totally reasonable. Do some research and start speaking with people in your community like a compounding pharmacy. I would not recommend it if I did not truly believe in it. I hope this helps you guys!
Let it go in the bedroom
To those with husbands that don’t want sex: No, you are not alone. My husband is that way and I hear more and more wives with this same problem.
My wife do not want sex . Do you know why?
I say all these things and my man push’s me away I try to make love with my man and its him saying no is this normal?
hi hve aproblem i fear galz alot coz dont know what to tell them.i sireously need lov advice
Yeah, if u girls wanna use those, fine. But, I only saw a couple that might work on me. My girlfriend turns me on by flirting with me, holds my hand in public, let’s me open doors for her, when she thinks I’m not looking, she sings and dances. In my opinion, best way to turn a guy on, don’t use cheesy pick up lines. Be your awesome self, and your man will be turned on and love you.
i have done all these 5 steps dont work no more married 23 years i feel he is ntr letting me closer he keeps saying hes going though something what should i do? i feel he is disconnecting away from me what should i do he say hes loves me he is now saying if it dont work out he is a man of his words i will never do with out .
please do not send anymore things where i seen free it is not thanks
All six of the seven tips are good except ‘i am not wearing any underwear…’ one, and i believe it’s true for most guys. A woman’s underwear is the most sexy of all clothes on a woman. No underwear is the most ‘unsexy’ thing a woman can do. To me that’s a turn-off.
Hi Libra Love! I too have a huge scar from my chest to my waist as a result of surgery I had following a domestic violence incident. I too, felt just like you for a long time, but trust me when I say that if your guy has an issue with your scar the HE is the problem not the scar. All of the advice these wise people have given you is true. Once you learn to accept yourself, you will have no problem finding others who will do the same. Sounds to me like you should run away from this man as fast as possible and surround yourself with positive people who will love and support you no matter what. Be blessed!
he says that i have a sexy body and i had sex with him is that good
Libra love, men don’t notice scares and stuff at first cause your not walking around naked. However they do pick up on the fact that you don’t like yourself easily. Look outside your box and take a good look around, people with disabilities and illnesses that can’t be healed are out there being loved by someone. Over size people find love I am one of those people by the way, so the scar you have is more internal on your than external. Lear to love yourself a little more each day and love your scar cause it makes you unique. Think of it as a stamp of uniqueness.
This is for Libra Love – Your scar can not be that bad. Stop using that as a crutch and move on with love and life. You can find ways – be in the dark. Lay on your stomach – great love position. If the big turn off for a man is your scar he is not worth your time nor your energy. Add a tatoo on the scar if you feel you “have” to. Life is too short. You will be fine. Whenever I have had “baggage” that I wanted to trash I actually got a garbage bag and mentally put the “trash” in the bag and took it out to the garbage. I have a degree in psychology so I can be a little bold with comments. Just do it & smile. You will be wonderful.
I read the 7 sexy things to say and neither will work. I’m ashamed of a horrible scar I have on my stomach. So my love life sucks. I wouldn’t pay a psychic to see if I find true love. I’m trying to keep a Guy happy now and nothings gonna w
ork. And worse of all I can’t get/be sexy bare. Plus he lives by a strip club. Bet he was in for a surprise
My boyfriend used to tell me “nothing looks good on you.” Like what do you mean by that? Think about it.
i am back with my guy after a split-up and its great!
some times the adamsfamily dose the job according to some man
What do you do if your man has a probalem? He gets upset when I even play around, because things that happened when he was young.
Oh n tell him you wanna have sex n that he turns you on!!!
Tell him you wanna have sex with him! Or have you asked him at all? Maybe he thinks he is going to hurt you if you guys do have sex… My doctor recommended me to have sex while I was pregnant…even at 9 months. Obviously not crazy sex but sex! You both can enjoy it but you gotta tell him. Sometimes guys just don’t pay attention to those things or even have a clue wats on our mind:)
I can’t do or say anything to get my husband in bed with me right now. I’m 6 mos. pregnant, and we haven’t been the slightest bit intimate in over 2 months. I’m starting to feel like he’s repulsed by me right now, and caught him looking at pics of naked celebs…any suggestions for that one?
I love sex I have it every day with my man and it’s so fun
Ma only request is to get Lea bcz am also single
Here’s a few lines for the men out there (Bashir)
Hey Sexy!
You are so sexy!!
Your Hot body turns me on!!
Let’s cuddle under the sheets!!
Can I sneak in your bed tonite?!!!:D (it works)
I find that these are very intising statements. But not all men are interested in sex. Which is good roo
I love being spontaneous making love any where any time!! Is that a turn on for most guys or not so much?! Cuz I have a hard time getting my man to be adventurous with me! At least any where like public places on a walk in tge closet at a gathering of some sort ect… What else could I try to make us both happy in tje adrenalin department:)
my man always likes to take showers together its just a start to what we do in the bedroom later. i always telll my man he makes me hot escpecially when he phones me form work. i l.ike to make his mind wander about what kis waiting for him at home later.
I don’t know if you realize this, but the word “naked” implies shame, and shame is anything but sexy. I personally never use the word in a romantic context.
YEAP! It worked on me……………………
nice thinking
These things, I believe, are very beneficial for a long lasting and a happy relationship.
Great article, I really like it.
I have grown in a very conservative family ..Im widowed but have a boyfriend at the age of 60..still looking good and desirable…my bf is only 50…an Egyptian..he might think Im too cheap if I will tell him what I have read in this column….we met already and he is planning to marry me…I want to make him happy when we go on line in skype even by saying good nothings that he will appreciate..do you think he wont lose respect on me if I will tell him we will do this when he goes here to marry me???
Although I don’t have a fiance, I think it would be very nice if you tell him these things.
hello i am deaf person and i am black anyway i said no one lover so i hope will find right person for make real lvoer it
I’ve benn married for 5 years & the frist 6 months was great after that i don t what happing.
i’ve try all this & more with me I am doing good to get 1 time a month out of him. i have sitting down with him & we have talked about it but still nothing.
“You make me hot”
“Let’s get naked”
“I love your body”
“I’m not wearing any underwear”
“I can’t keep my hands off you”
“Let’s try a fantasy”
“Wanna take a shower?”
very exotic but i must find the right person to satisfy what ever she desires i am willing to learn and do lover
How do I leave a woman I am in love with to be with a woman I am more attracted to?
I think this will pobably scare this man away.
he already has a man eatin woman in the building after him.
But she is aa far cry from being worthy of him.
She’ll do anything to get him.
She is very needy and been around the barn and back.
I’m very tongue tied when i’m with this man????
I have never been the persuer.Old school I guess.
But I think he is too.But he’s a man
Reading the above written tips now I am feeling exited but what I might do alone. If partner does not support me . Sex is the thing that can enjoyed with otherone, not alone. Pleased suggest that how one can sent him vibration that may cause of support .
Guys will always try to ” get in your pants” their men they will manage a way.
Look happy about everything you do to him except for yelling.
If you want to have sex you sometimes have a naughty look on your face to get him turned on more.
Very educative. Any line(s) 4 men?
It is really fantastic and workable. best advise to female . Whant about to men to get the best>