Mid-Month Meditation

When was the last time you did something purely for your own pleasure? When was the last time that you were deliciously, happily and healthily self-indulgent? If you can't even remember the last time you ... read more

5 Cities for Fall

The slow pace of summer has come and gone, and now the fast-paced flurry of the winter holidays is just around the corner. But there's still time to take break and enjoy the beauty and wonder of fall, ... read more

Appropriate Anger

There's nothing wrong with anger. In fact, it's a natural emotion that can be healthy when it alerts us that something is "off," and needs to be tended to. To deny your emotions can only cause more ... read more

Share What

From Richard Gere climbing the fire escape in Pretty Woman to John Cusack holding up the boom box in Say Anything, declarations of love in the movies are nothing short of magic. In real ... read more

Call Back Your Energy

Your energy has the uncanny ability to transport itself through space and time. Every time you have a thought your energy follows. So if you love someone you send them energy. If you're angry you also send ... read more

Cold Busters

For many, Winter can be a dark time. Not just because the sun sets at an earlier hour, but long hours in doors can start to affect your mood - and not for the better! Be proactive and beat those Winter ... read more

7 Essential Life Lessons

Living your life well is living with purpose and joy. Not there yet? There are seven big ways to waste and deplete your energies without even noticing. If you're feeling dark, down and drained it'll ... read more
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