Curious About My Past Life Tarot Spread

Curious About My Past Life Tarot Spread | California Psychics

Reveal Your Past Life with Tarot

Does most of the world really believe in reincarnation? Amazing, but true, over half of the world’s population believes that we have more than one life on Earth. And, Tarot can bring to light the lifetime most important to us now!

A Prolific Idea

Let’s face it, as humans, we seek an explanation. We want to know why. In expert hands, the study of past lives answers that need. Something in all of us wants a second chance, a sense of a rational Universe, a sense of continuity, hence why the belief that we all have multiple lifetimes is so prolific around the world.

Examples of Past Life Material

Evidence for past lives can be extremely varied. Past life regressions, a form of deep hypnosis that takes us back to former lifetimes, is a popular one. It’s reported to bring buried memories to the front of our consciousness.

Some evidence arises out of the blue, like young children recognizing and claiming household objects belonging to their “grandparents,” who were actually these “children” in a previous life.

One striking example is that of the Dalai Lama, leader of Tibetan Buddhism. Through recognizing key objects in his environment as a young child, he proved himself to be the reincarnation of his predecessor. This is a key verifying factor in the succession of Buddhist leadership and has been passed down for centuries.

But this is not the only verifiable form of evidence of former lifetimes. Astrologers Steven Forrest, Jeffrey Wolf Green, Patricia Walsh, and many others include past life material in their natal chart delineations. This is shown by the placement and aspects to and from the South Node of the moon within the context of the chart as a whole.

Steven Forrest’s book “Yesterday’s Sky” explains how and why past lives are at the core of Evolutionary Astrology. He explores deeply why we are mysteriously drawn to certain places and persons, and why we all seem to carry some unexplainable traumas. We all, too, have innate skills, talents, and areas of ease.

Inner Contradictions

Why then, do some parts of ourselves contradict each other and fight for attention? The answer is that “each one of us is like a crowd of very different people” (Forrest) trying to come to a consensus of how best to navigate “now.” This “crowd” is really our past life personalities coming forward at various times. They are all “us.”

More Evidence of Past Lifetimes

Researcher Roger Woolger, a psychotherapist trained at the C.G. Jung Institute and Oxford, has written a book, “Other Lives, Other Selves”. It is a premier work dealing with past life memories.

He describes his Deep Memory Process as being distinct from hypnosis. It’s a shamanic type of trance, which induces a heightened state of consciousness aimed at healing parts of ourselves that aren’t in harmony with each other. The past life personality and its story are contained within the symptoms that we experience in the now.

The Ancient and Powerful Tarot

If you don’t have time to work with past life data or to read all those books, what do you do? Fortunately, there are other ways to make a deep dive into your past lives, and it all starts with Tarot.

This is a short and sweet four-card spread you can use to peek at a past lifetime that is relevant to this one! Remember that you probably have had many lives before this one, but there is one that is bringing the karma “up” in the present to assist you with your spiritual evolution.

Lay the cards out in a square pattern, left to right.

An Example Spread:

Card One- Me in a relevant past life

Nine of Cups

Looks like I might have frittered away too much time partying but had a lot of happiness and fun.

What was I like when no one was looking? When they were looking? How am I different, or the same, now?

Card Two- My purpose and role in that lifetime

Queen of Swords

I might have been highly intelligent, but quite cold and controlling underneath it all.

Are you The Empress, Page of Swords, or High Priestess? How about the Hermit? What does this card say to you about the past “you”?

Card Three- A lesson I did not complete in that life

Ace of Swords

I always had to win and saw everything as a battle. I was passionate but needed to learn cooperation.

Did I learn how to love, how to work, how to stand up for what I believed? What does this card tell me is left dangling?

Card Four- How does that life relate to this one?

Ten of Swords

When I act from that past life energy, it makes me stressed out and sad. But I have grown spiritually past that behavior most of the time in this lifetime.

So, what are my current dreams, my current fears, my current loves, and passions? What does this card tell me about how I express my purpose on the planet?

What does this spread tell you about your past life most relevant to this one?

Learn from the Past, Improve the Present

Our past lives can contain relevant information that can help us improve the lives we are currently living. If you are feeling held back, or feel a karmic connection that you don’t understand, the Past Life Tarot spread may be able to help you uncover what ties you to the past, so you can live a better, happier life this go around.

Looking for a deeper connection to Spirit? A tarot card reading is your answer. Tarot cards give you a direct connection to Spirit so you receive profound insights into your past, present, and future. Our tarot card psychics interpret Spirit’s messages for you so you know what you’re getting is the unadulterated truth.
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2 thoughts on “Curious About My Past Life Tarot Spread

  1. LINDA

    I have suspected i have had a past life, but do not remember. I would like to know more about past livess. and if i have a soulmate or twin flame still living


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