Money Matters: Finding Yourself After Being Laid Off

Margo M. in Los Angeles, CA asks:

I’m at a crossroads in my life. I’ve been a career accountant for thirty years, and have successfully gone from being a bookkeeper several times, an office manager, then worked my way up to controller for a multi-million dollar company; all without a formal college education. My current position, which I did not like, was made redundant. I was eliminated after fourteen years of service.

I know this is a great blessing, yet I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. It’s been four months since this happened, and although I have savings to last some time, I’m concerned I will take a job just to keep money flowing and not fulfill my destiny for change at this time. I was never a school type person and always made my way on instinct, learning what I needed to along the way and working hard to earn the money I wanted to manifest in my life. At this junction, my husband is supportive up to a point, but I know he’d like me to find myself sooner rather than later. What do you see? I’m turning 52 this year and want to find a gratifying path. I love to cook, yet think that if it became a job I would then lose my passion for it. Your advice is very appreciated. Thank you.

Psychic Anya Dawn ext. 9179 Responds:

Finding that right fit in employment sometimes requires us to make uncharacteristic shifts. Before the final two years at your employer, your position was comfortable and familiar, although you craved more. You kept having thoughts of working a job in line with your personal beliefs. You were also in dire need of challenge, novelty, and something relevant to you personally.

The outcome of your last job advancement was not advantageous—because it was not in a direction you truly wanted to make. Looking in a totally new direction is usually made up of ideas that were seriously considered, but ignored due to the ongoing rush of daily life. You can’t open new doors if you keep trying to follow career flagstones set down in the past.

Although wherever you venture, you will be coming across established structures, just like you encountered at your past employer. Blending into the new corporate culture, regardless of where you land, will be the roughest part of your new pathway. There is much to be learned coming from the outside looking in.

Yes, you could have continued in your earlier long term role in the company, but that was not satisfying to your soul. Getting by in a well-worn route is not the existence you desire. So you tried advancing to a job outside of your interest area rather than leaving. Specifying a particular path to take is not wrong, but driving yourself in a direction that is not wanted usually ends up in a collision.

Regardless of your choices, bumps do hurt. Your career transition was harder than it needed to be due to being let go from your job. Despite that, you’re further ahead on your trek. Opting to learn this way will stand you in good stead in becoming a much stronger person. Standing outside of the fence, you are now looking at the problem of starting a new life direction.

But it’s all OK. Back on the highway, you’re leaving those previous miseries far behind. Following the necessary phases in modifying your lifestyle will cushion the changeover. Additional help inexplicably appears as you take steps in correcting issues of the past. Showing complete resolution fulfills our hopes, and we take action.

So what is our purpose? Destiny is finding true understanding of where we are in the continuum of life. Knowing the answers to what we spiritually need to achieve is the most important work ingredient. Even though your husband would prefer you acquiring a commensurate position, your inner value system might be thirsting for something as straightforward as cooking a meal or helping people develop more self-confidence.

Knowing you want a more sincere job environment where you are appreciated for your ease of interaction with clientele and employees alike is giving you sustenance to go forward. You also want to put more enjoyment back into your daily life by working in a new industry of choice.

Start the momentum by finding a job where your controller background will be your welcoming mat. Gaining the initial stability and lowered stress by doing tasks that are similar to your previous occupation will make it easier working around new faces and sets of rules. After settling into your new surroundings, look at other positions you may want to try out in that new type of business.

Commercial enterprises you might want to consider delving into are cooking or restaurant publication companies, established culinary schools, catering, as well as hospitality restaurant enterprises.

Wherever you start, you are guaranteed the ability to leverage yourself to a more palatable management level. You understand what it takes to be the needed component; it’s your opportunity to seek what has been beckoning you for several years.

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3 thoughts on “Money Matters: Finding Yourself After Being Laid Off

  1. Kim

    I was layed off my job almost two years ago My uneployment is running out Iv put out hundreds of resumes with little response I was at my job for 25 years a general manager for a motel investment group. Iv lost my house and really depressed over not being able to find a job. Im trying to think out of the box but with no luck I guess im just tired of trying to come up with another plan and have that fail any ideas? Thank you

  2. Kathy

    Very good counseling advice. Any career advice for me?! I like working on finances for a corporation but there’s not much out there in this field right now. Suggestions?


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