The Year Ahead
Well dear Virgo, you are in for a fun departure this year. With both Jupiter, the Great Benefic, and Saturn, the Great Teacher activating your solar fifth house, there is a concentrated focus on creativity, entertainment, fun, romance, and enjoying your life overall. Of course, not to the exclusion of the other important things and themes to which you’re committed, but in addition to them.
Even though work will always be a front runner in your life, this is your year to remember that “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and Jill a dull girl.” Follow the pull you feel to explore and express yourself romantically and creatively. Let the ideas and possibilities flow, set your inner critic aside, or better yet, silence it. Notice how you fill with joy when you’re able to do this. If you’re having a bit of difficulty with this, feeling uncertain how to proceed, or how to break free of your more serious and practical side, look for opportunities to spend time with children as this, too, is a positive part of this transit. You can also bring and apply this new level of creativity to your work. Watch how your career blossoms when you nurture this side of yourself. Go all in. Trust that by fully embracing this part of yourself, every area of your life will benefit.
This year the ideal times for meeting someone new, or for refreshing and deepening your connection with your partner are:
Jan 14 – Feb 8
Venus enters Pisces and activates marriage, partnership, and commitment. You have a mystical, magnetic quality about you during this transit and will find that this allure draws a multitude of interested suitors into your orbit. People are comforted by your energy and presence and feel a sense of magical renewal when they are with you. If you’re partnered, the same holds true, plus you will be able to connect at a much deeper level with your mate.
Aug 8 – Sept 7
Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and romance is in Cancer and activates friendship and social engagements in your chart. Make time to spend with friends, take a risk and let them set you up on blind dates. Make a space to meet someone wonderful while you’re out and about. If you’re partnered, your relationship will be infused with new energy by leaving your nest and getting out and enjoying the world.
Oct 3 – Oct 29
Venus moves into Virgo and highlights your self-confidence, self-esteem, and attractiveness. You carry a quiet grace during this transit that draws people to you. The more you are authentically yourself, the more beauty you carry, and this is irresistible to your spouse if you’re partnered, and to suitors if you’re single.
Sept 6 – Oct 2
Venus moves into Capricorn in your solar fifth house and fires up love, romance, and fun. This area of life is a major focus this year and your joyful spirit and delight with being alive draws people to you like a magnet. Take a class or two and explore an art or craft you’ve wanted to learn. Interesting people, great conversations, and fun connections are sure to follow.
The Part of Fortune transits your solar second house of prosperity and financial affairs which bodes very well for your income, investments, and savings this year. Simultaneously, you have a stellium of planets in Capricorn activating creativity and encouraging you to explore new forms of self-expression. As you embrace your creativity you may discover new income streams and new avenues for prosperity to flow to you. The old paradigms of struggle are falling away, and as you embrace new possibilities your financial affairs are likely to benefit along with other areas of your life.
Personal Growth/Spirituality
Let go of any spiritual wounds or blocks you have left over from childhood. If you will dive into spirituality, putting religion on the back burner, you’ll discover a richness and fulfillment that has been missing in your life. You are extremely sensitive and perceptive, you have a finely tuned nervous system that is able to pick up subtle energies and messages, you simply need to encourage and develop this part of yourself. Your ruling planet, Mercury, transits the house of hidden mysteries and joins Chiron here from Feb 8 – March 6, making this an ideal time to take out the psychological trash and to embrace a new reality. You may also discover that you have healing ability and feel a call to share that with the world.
Making the Best of 2020
A reading with a Channeling Psychic can give you the support you need as you embrace new energy and positive change in your life.
Astrology plays an important role in your day-to-day life. The planets are responsible for your moods, experiences and more, which is why you should get a psychic astrology reading. Our astrology psychics can calculate your natal chart and tell you about the important dates in your life (past, present, and future) that will massively impact you.
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