What You Have To Look Forward To
- Adventure and travel are on your calendar for 2024. You’ll be able to make practical use of the sudden changes that Uranus in your ninth sector sends your way. Keep a packed bag behind your favorite easy chair.
- Though you usually keep your nose to the grindstone, the Universe would like to see you cover some ground this year. Prepare for progress and movement.
What You Should Watch Out For
- Saturn opposing your sign has you feeling a little stressed. Don’t overthink things! In fact, now that Saturn’s moved out from your solar sixth sector of health, it’s time to have fun.
- You may have the urge to take on more work. The weight of the world doesn’t need to be on your shoulders. Stop pushing yourself so hard, Virgo.
Astrology Predictions for Your Career in 2024
Your tenth house is hosting Jupiter during the second half of 2024. This couldn’t be better if you’re looking to improve your skills, pursue your goals, and expand your knowledge. The planets suggest that career growth is likely.
Astrology Predictions for Your Love Life in 2024
You may decide to make a strong commitment and put down roots. Saturn is in your seventh house of partners, and its influence will get you thinking about the long term. You’ll choose wisely, as usual. You could connect with a mature individual.
Important Dates for Virgo in 2024
August 6-August 29: Venus is in Virgo. You’ll be turbo-charged in love!
September 10-September 26: Mercury is in Virgo. You’ll rule the sky with your incisiveness and objectivity.