The Year Ahead
With Jupiter in your first house of “self” during the first 11 months of 2018, get ready for personal expansion and some changes that tweak life to your liking, according to your Scorpio 2018 Horoscope. Saturn in your third house will cause some changes in the ways that you communicate with others, and with Mars and two of the five upcoming eclipses centered on your home life, you can expect some desired long-term changes within your closest relationships.
Wondering what else 2018 has in store for you, Scorpio? Read with an astrology psychic and find out!
Pluto, your ruling planet, will continue working its way through the traditional sign of Capricorn and your third house of communications. Pluto will also combine energies with Saturn making 2018 your year of accomplishment. That’s because you’ll be communicating your ideas for the big picture to those involved in your life—friends, family and coworkers alike.
Love and Relationships
Mars will set up shop in Aquarius, your fourth house of home and family, for no less than five months altogether in 2018. Look to the period between mid-May through mid-August and again from September 10 through November 15th as a time when some changes could occur around your home situation. Mars is a headstrong planet and Aquarius is a rebellious sign, so no doubt there may be some disagreements with family members during this time. There may be some inevitable changes, for instance, someone branching out on their own, a downsizing of your physical home or a new addition to the family. Eventually, you’ll see that real power comes not in controlling or doing battle, but allowing those close to you to seek their own destinies while you remain supportive, and yes, most likely “in charge.” You can thank Jupiter in part for this new way of thinking and expansion of the mind as it pertains to your home-centered relationships.
Your Home Life
In addition to impulsive Mars, two of the five upcoming eclipses in 2018 will fall in your house representing your home life, according to your Scorpio 2018 Horoscope. However, another pair of eclipses will focus on your career house, so finding that balance between home and work obligations will also be a subject you’ll contend with. On February 15, a solar eclipse in Aquarius will pick up where Mars leaves off. Changes you’ve noticed surrounding your home life over the last six months will cause you to step up and take charge where there may be any power struggles surrounding you.
A Lunar Eclipse
On July 27 there is a lunar eclipse, also in your fourth house. You’ll be putting the final touches on anything that began during the February 15 eclipse. Again, whether you move or just watch as people come and go, your mission will be to keep your family unit intact even amongst disruptive changes.
Eclipse in Cancer
The third eclipse of 2018 will occur on July 12 in the sign of Cancer—a fellow water sign that you identify with and a sign very much focused on home and family life. This eclipse affects your ninth house of rules, in-laws, and even self-improvement. With all you have going on around your home life, there may be a rebel in the ranks, according to your Scorpio 2018 Horoscope. You won’t be in the mood to play games, and you’ll show that rebel that you’re “large and in charge” when it comes to your home turf. Your goal here is to get the respect you feel you’ve earned when it comes to loyalty and focus on family. It won’t be easy, but that’s never deterred you. Setting things straight is both important and necessary.
Money and Career
In your Scorpio 2018 Horoscope, there will be both a solar and lunar eclipse in your tenth house of careers. The first will be a solar eclipse on January 31 in the very public sign of Leo, pushing you to the forefront of what you do. You’ll be recognized and rewarded for your hard work and dedication (something you’ve been seeking in your home life). Don’t shy away from the attention; revel in the accolades and enjoy the experience.
Another Lunar Eclipse
A lunar eclipse, also in the sign of Leo, will occur on August 11. This directly connects to the theme first set around the January solar eclipse. As a result, you should accept your role as an important cog in the wheel of progress. Even though you prefer being in the shadows, you shouldn’t feel uncomfortable receiving praise. Rather, you should let this pat on the back bring a smile to your face.
You and the Universe
As a Scorpio, your innate ability lies in being able to size up people and situations in an instant and to see the road ahead to determine what path to take. Your ruling planet, Pluto, combined with Saturn’s focus gives you a clear picture of what you want to achieve in 2018, making this a year of accomplishment in all areas of life. You have the GPS coordinates for 2018, now you can use your free will to choose which roads you’ll take.
Now that you have the GPS coordinates for 2018, you can use your free will to choose what roads you’ll take.
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