Your September 2013 Forecast

Embrace Your Spirituality in Fall!

As we approach the Autumnal Equinox on September 22, it’s time to assess how far you’ve come this year (spiritually, emotionally, mentally and materially) and acknowledge the steps you’ve taken to achieve your dreams. Give yourself a pat on the back! And don’t forget to give thanks for the blessings in your life.

Transit Tales

Venus in Libra through the 9th focuses on equality, sharing and cooperation (or lack thereof) in partnerships. Venus entering Scorpio on the 10th (through October 6) can bring out the passion, obsession or power plays in relationships, along with the need to heal emotional issues that hinder love.

Mars in Leo throughout the month can awaken your inner leader, entrepreneur or daredevil to energize whatever you’re focused on.

Planets in Motion

Pluto turning direct on the 20th will help you manifest your creativity and personal power in the outer world. Continuing their retrograde travels are Uranus (through December 17), which can prompt a sudden shift in your awareness, and Neptune (through November 13), which favors practices that strengthen your intuition and spiritual attunement.

Lunar Magic

The New Moon in Virgo on the 5th accelerates activities that focus on health, work or helping others. The Harvest Full Moon in Pisces on the 19th shines a light on the “harvesting” of this year’s blessings in your personal life and beyond.

Planetary Highlights

September 1: Sun trine Pluto can strengthen your will to succeed, especially for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn and to a lesser extent for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

September 5: The New Moon in Virgo can bring a new cycle of activities connected to your work, health or service-related activities.

September 9: Mars square Saturn can suppress the will to take action, especially for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

September 9 – 28: Mercury in Libra energizes ideas and discussions that focus on relationships, equality, cooperation or beauty.

September 10 – October 6: Venus in Scorpio can intensify the passion and/or emotional issues in relationships.

September 13: Venus trine Neptune illuminates the idealism, harmony or spirituality in relationships, especially for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and to a lesser extent for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Bring more love and harmony into your life. Get a love/relationship reading from Psychic Lucrecia ext. 9326.

September 14: Mars trine Uranus favors the launch of an innovative or unusual endeavor, especially for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius and to a lesser extent for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

September 14 – 15: Mercury square Pluto and opposing Uranus can evoke both a conflict and a sudden change of perspective, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

September 18: Venus conjunct Saturn in Scorpio can bring up a desire for a commitment or a fear about being alone.

September 19: The Harvest Full Moon in Pisces energizes fall festivities and the desire to express gratitude, especially for Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

September 19: Mercury square Jupiter can inspire highly optimistic or exaggerated ideas and discussions, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

September 20: Pluto turning direct will help you take charge of your life through the use of your creativity and personal power.

Discuss positive self-talk with Psychic Amanda ext. 5605.

September 22 – October 22: Sun in Libra ushers in the Autumnal Equinox.

September 26: Venus trine Jupiter can bring opportunities through socializing, philanthropy and financial transactions, especially for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and to a lesser extent for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

September 28: Venus square Mars may evoke a conflict between the sexes (or between the feminine and masculine sides of your psyche), especially for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

September 29 – December 3: Mercury in Scorpio favors research, investigative work and discussions about all things mysterious.

“Be persistent and patient and you will achieve your dreams.” – Psychic Leo ext. 5265

23 thoughts on “Your September 2013 Forecast

  1. Maggie

    Is there any hope of seeing my son again. I gave him up for adoption, met him, but now the time between hearing from him and see him is distant. Can you help me please.

  2. sylvia

    I just cant get over my ex. We where together for 8 years. Even though in with soneone else, I just cant get her out my heart. I love the girl im with know but im not in love with her. I just dont want to hurt herm

  3. Jovita

    Is Alex the one for me? As it has been a difficult year and I lost and gain a lot but I don’t want to lose this feelings for Alex

  4. Jane

    Why do you always say,”financial problems come from trying to “keep up with the Jones'” very inaccurate….if you were psychic you would know how false that statement is….

  5. DonnaM

    Some times we don’t like what we hear, or don’t understand. Peace, growth and happiness comes from realizing we take what we can use at the time, and give ourselves the opportunity to shelve the rest for future use !!!

  6. c.wright.thru.u.

    Divine infinite blessings, praises, gratitude, appreciation, peace, love, abundance, total well being, oneness, ascension, success, light, and freedom to ALL throughout September 2013, each and every month, year, lifetime, and eternity.

  7. marabra

    Hello there i was with my ex for.1year and.some months i still love.him tho we had lots of problems in are relationships and we end up breaking up i still have stronge feeling for him and care for him but all i want is for him to be happy i found out that he is going out with someone i was just wondering if its time for me to let go and move on or should i hold on and expect him to come back are love was crazy and like no other but we were always there for each other

  8. Richard

    I’m trying to figure out if the woman I’m with right now really and truely loves me like they say they do but I don’t know cause one min were making love to eachother every night and then were not and I love this person with all my heart and soul and I need to know if she is my soulmate like I think she is please please help me my birthday is 7/26/82 and hers is 8/29/78 please help me

  9. douglas

    you all are so fake ,any thing tou say ,i already know you all gave me a reading and all said the same thing ,you got to clean up you life are any real ones out thare

  10. Prithvi

    Very accurate astrology,with planet activity,Amazing, I hope you will also send yearly forecast,in new year 2014 for life path plan,finance,,career etc-this is my,suggestion & request-thank

  11. Rachel Basped

    I would like to comment I don’t see anything about getting a job in my horoscope, but alot of romance which isn’t going to happen for me!

  12. becky

    I’ve been asking if this guy that i’m so in love with that if we were ever going yo be together and i have been told yes we were but i would like to know is how long do i have to wait. It’s been three yrs now is there really hope for us. My birthday is 1-11-60 his birthday is 8-19-58 so please if u can help me out please let me know. Thank you Becky


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