Your Weekend Forecast for May 17 – 19, 2013

Remember the Vets This Weekend!

The Leo Moon helps keep the party going on Friday night, while Saturday and Sunday take on a more somber and thankful feeling as we remember and salute the men and women serving in the armed forces. The Virgo Moon delivers emotional details just in time for the holiday.


Be it political or theatrical, you make points that are well taken and your ability to pinpoint details at this time is excellent. Feeling like a jet pack has replaced your shoes, you take off for places unknown.


Money is a focal point for you this weekend as you take on a job that offers an abundance of wealth both financial and thought provoking. Usually not one for fine details, your mind shifts and you see things crystal clear.


With the upcoming shift of the Sun into your sign, you are feeling quite good. All the Mercury energy is keeping you on your toes—happy feet for sure. What has been hiding in the dark finally comes out in the light.


Critical thinking—remember that class in college? You aced it! Take a page from the old books and sharpen up your skills. The events of this weekend hold positions that call upon your knowledge.


Too much energy is floating around you right now. Taking a long nap on Saturday afternoon prepares you for an evening that brings great pleasure to your senses. Hone in your thoughts so you can think clearly.


Owning your emotions by making sure all your I’s are dotted and your T’s are crossed puts you in a very positive position. Heartfelt energy pours out of you allowing your friends and family to feel closer to you than you usually allow them too.


Having a disagreement with a loved one opens up some enriching dialogue. This energy allows the both of you to focus more on your personal life and cast off the negative influence that outsiders have been trying to make into a confusing issue.


Free-flowing ideas come to you this weekend giving you an edge on a situation you have been dealing with for some time now. Let the thoughts flow without the fear of saying anything wrong.


Always the honest one, “telling it like it is” could be your theme song. Plans that were made no longer suit your needs and you make a change to the weekend’s events. Most importantly, do not disappoint yourself by doing what others want.


There is a big mountain to climb and you are as ready as you will ever be. Try not to nitpick—it will help those you are dealing with to better appreciate your thoughts and ideas. Making it to the top proves to be effortless.


Your mind is playing tricks on you. Do not fall into negative thinking patterns this weekend. Old energy needs to be removed so that you can move forward with plans. Sadness is only an illusion brought on by the Moon’s picky vibrations.


Truths come to light—your psychic abilities are as sharp as a razor. Take your laptop with you everywhere you go because the thoughts and ideas keep popping into your head and if you do not get them down you will lose sight of your visions.

14 thoughts on “Your Weekend Forecast for May 17 – 19, 2013

  1. virgo

    Yes well I know that within Australia, they also commemorate two special days for the war victims within Australia’s legacy from the fallen etc. And they are ANZAC DAY, and REMEMBERANCE DAY, as ANZAC DAY in Australia falls on the 25th of April every year to commemorate those fallen Australians that had served in Gallipoli and in other previous wars that Australians had entered into and REMEMBERANCE DAY was when Australians that had signed a treaty on the 11th of November in the 11th hour to also commemorate there forgotten war hero’s and veterans as very much in similar fashion, as Australia’s ANZAC DAY and these two special occasions mean so much to all Australians, LEST WE FORGET.

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  3. psychic quinn 5484

    HI – Pauline YOU WROTE -Just discovered something interesting about my fiance……need to determine if it is insurmountable or can be worked through.

    love will guide you and just thinking that it might be worked through shows how much you want that to be so.
    let the past be gone.
    many blessing.

  4. psychic quinn 5484

    hi weekenders…
    faith ~~~~ metta waves~~~~
    gina rose – a big hello to you.

    bella darling… all the best for your climb to the top.

    it is armed forces day on saturday.
    have a happy weekend everyone.

  5. Pauline

    Just discovered something interesting about my fiance……need to determine if it is insurmountable or can be worked through

  6. bella

    YES Ms. Gina Rose you are SO correct AND THANK-YOU 4 THE clarity by BEING very THOUGHTFUL/+ IT==’S being RESPECTFUL as always IN THESE TRYING times, WHY because a lot OF people DON’T REALIZE THIS is A HOLIDAY too, also IF ALL of you would/COULD PLEASE remember ALL of those WHO having FALLING from B4 WHILE SERVING OUR COUNTRY WITH ALL of THEIR lives with 1000 % with HONOR + BY PAYING THE MOST EXTREME PRICE TAG, being WITH “” THEIR own LIVES “”, also IF you could PLEASE REMEMBER my COUSIN “” DAVID”” HE WAS KIA on 12-25-07 WHILE he WAS in IRAQ serving OUR COUNTRY while he was giving OUT X-MAS PRESENTS to all of THE IRAQ CHILDREN while he WAS OVER there !!! HE was out of/OR from ST. AUGUSTINE !!!! yes I sent MY aunt some flowers ON THIS BLESSED holy/WEEKEND !!! thank-you AGAIN (((GINA ROSE))) !!!! Bella 🙂

  7. bella

    Dear Ms. Quinn,

    “” CLIMB A MOUNTAIN “” that is putting it mildly lol LOL 😉 let ME catch MY breath HERE ah & nooooooo, NO lol MAYBE it is more like climbing ” MOUNT EVEREST ” UP and down THEN OVER IT, then back AGAIN just 4 THE FUN of it, MAYBE that’s IT & EVEN then it’s a MAYBE EVEN then MS. QUINN ??? ALL is well here Ms. Quinn, I AM still trucking along in/WITH my plans/=== my NEW FRESH STARTS !!! FYI in case you have forgotten ??? PLEASE remember my son, PLEASE keep him in your thoughts – PRAYERS since HE HAS decided against MY wishes 2 GO back into the “NAVAL RESERVES” after he HAS ALREADY served OUR country WITH ALL of HIS bravery/ & WITH HONOR, ON this UP COMING MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND ((SHYYYY he is IN/@ LANGLEY VA now on HOLY/HOLLOW GROUND) !!!! AS always ALL my PRAYERS/blessings 2 YOU & 2 yours, ((((MS.QUINN)))) xoxo Bella 🙂 🙂 🙂 !!!!

  8. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    And Armed Forces Day….many Americans celebrate Armed Forces Day annually on the third Saturday of May. It is a day to pay tribute to men and women who serve the United States’ armed forces. Armed Forces Day is also part of Armed Forces Week, which begins on the second Saturday of May.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  9. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Yes, please remember our fallen veterans who so bravely , and honorably , served and died for their country and for all our liberties and freedom !

    Memorial Day is observed this year on Monday, May 27th.

    Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who have died serving our country,
    ……..***not to be confused with Veterans Day , which is is an official United States holiday which honors living people who have served in armed service also known as veterans.
    Veterans Day is always in November.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  10. Faith ext. 9608Faith ext. 9608

    Hi Quinn,

    Love the Pisces forecast; fits perfectly with my Moon and Mercury placements there. You’re right on! I join you in that sentiment of gratitude and appreciation for the men and women in the military. Have a beautiful weekend Quinn.

    Blessings, Faith ext. 9608


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