Year of the Snake: What’s Next?

What Can You Expect From the Year of the Snake?

This “6” year is a time of change and a renewal of emotions. The Snake year is about healing and transmutation. This means turning something negative into a positive.

During the first five months of 2013 we have experienced many planetary influences and with the powerful Full Moons thus far, people are having a tough time when it comes to relationships and communication. So what can we expect with the month of June rapidly approaching?

As the snake grows, it sheds its skin. So this can be a time when you too can expect to see new growth within yourself and others. It can also be a wonderful time when you could see the best of a relationship, as it begins to grow through the next three months.

It can also be a strong time for a new work or career path especially if you have felt the desire to “go it alone” and set up your own business. Your passion for life should be on fire and as you begin to work with your own inspiration, you begin to quickly see results!

It may also be time to leave the past behind as you reevaluate who or what does not serve a purpose any more. Never be afraid to make changes. Sometimes we need to take courage and just go for it. The Law of Attraction (or Cosmic Ordering) can really come into its own and as the Snake reaches the spiritual plane, it becomes wisdom and understanding.

Despite the planet Mercury going retrograde in Cancer at the end of the month, this can still be a positive time to make plans, knowing that fiery Snake energy will gather momentum towards the end of June and enable you to move forwards with whatever life situation you need to resolve.

So with the passion of June, this energy then moves into July when it becomes the month of respect. Efforts are rewarded in July but more importantly, you can expect to see the respect you deserve. This might be a trying time when it comes to communication as we move through the Mercury Retrograde, but all this means is, if you need to repeat a message, then say it.

Allow your energies to flow. Go with your intuition. If it feels right then it is. With the integrity that July brings, walk with it. Remember the energy you give out is the energy you will receive, but also be aware of the signals that others may be giving. Walk tall and be proud of the achievements you have made, because if you believe in yourself then others will believe in you too.

So in this six year there are many opportunities to enhance and change life so you get the best from it. All you are encouraged to do is never compromise. Only settle for what is best. After all, you are worth it.

19 thoughts on “Year of the Snake: What’s Next?

  1. rosye

    I was born in the year of water snake 1953 (cancer).had complete our project very smooth,just waiting for one step to get final solution. Can we get this done soon?

  2. Elisabeth

    I’m totally mess, I let my boyfriend go after 4 years, because he did’n
    Have respect for me ( drinking to much plus smoke marihuana )
    But when he was good he was fantastic, of course I remember good time. Now I’m sorry
    I finish this relationship because nobody is perfect . I’m very lonely miss him very much and he have already somebody else?Ella ( libra)

  3. Elisabeth

    I’m totally mess, I let my boyfriend go after 4 years, because he did’n
    Have respect for me ( drinking to much plus smoke marihuana )
    But when he was good he was fantastic, of course I remember good time. Now I’m sorry
    I finish this relationship because nobody is perfect . I’m very lonely miss him very much and he have already somebody else?( libra)

  4. stephanie

    when am I going to be happy and my best friend come back with my god son when am I going to stop being harassed and job threaten at work when am I going to be at peace receive love find that special someone and be happy make money and stop being healed down and hurt by others I miss them I am so depress please help me when am I going to be respected and have a good job or be able to get a raise and be left alone on this job they pushing me out the door with the drama please help

  5. Renee

    Please contact me at your convienance. I would like to schedule a reading with you but do not have a credit card. Is there another method of payment that can be used?

  6. ivystarr

    This message if for norma delossantos. What you are experiencing in the language of astrology is the saturn in scorpio transit in your solar 1st house. This is a heavy energy with decrease vitality. Your normal emotional response are not the same due to restriction of that transit. Furthermore, from your dob, your natal saturn is virgo so the saturn transit is restricting your natal 3rd house of communication, everyday affairs, siblings.

    The solution is to try a new look and exposed to travel, others cultures or take a class in religion or astrology to help you.

  7. moh.Arif

    i have 1 question .pls reply me as soon as quest is .
    that i am Gemmine so i am coming in a snake year or not.
    Thank you.

  8. Cordene

    I have been waiting for 8 year to finalize my divorce and get him out of my life have I been patient enough will this happen ASAP and will I re marry?

  9. Tracey

    I like that this is a year of change, especially since “13” is my lucky number and I’ve been fighting with SSDI for “9” years which is as I understand another number that is special….I’m hoping that between the two, this IS my year to accomplish my goals. But by reading your post today, I feel a very strong positive feeling that I’m hoping satifies my wishes and needs, especially since my Mom is very sick and I think is only holding on to make sure that I can take care of myself…..thank you for this uplifting post~ peace unto you and yours~

  10. coy villa

    I fear a lot. i wanted to resign from my work. i feel over worked and under paid. Sometimes i feel management does not recognize my department.. will i still find another job if i resign… confused!

    i hope u can enlighten and help me. thanks

  11. Joan

    I’m a water snake. This was supposed to be a banner year yet I’ve had one bad thing happen after another no matter how hard I try or how positive I am.

  12. Karen

    Norma Delossantos,most certainly you’re going through changes,yes. But your birthay is not the year of the snake,no. Probably the years for everyone are listed on this(California Psychics) website. Or,if not,try 🙂
    I know 1977 is the Snake,and 1978 is the Horse.
    Not sure ’bout 1979,so won’t mislead you by suggesting anything.
    In your life,I will say that probably Saturn is “bothering” you.
    But remember,if that’s true,then you’ll lose only what you no longer want or can use.Take good care.

  13. Mindy

    I was born in 1965. Is that a year of the Snake, and what significance does that have for me astrologically?

  14. ferechta

    When is a good time to make an appointment with you.
    I do not have the exact date of birth or the time. Is it still possible to have a accurate reading?
    Let me know and thank you in advance.

  15. norma delossantos

    hi.this is norma delossantos I was born on nov 5,1979 I read your advice on the internet I feel so great but this year I feel full of emotional and insecurity do you think the snake not belong to my year.pls give me some more advice thanks….


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